Chat log attached. In summary:

* we talked about getting checkstyle/pmd working
 there's an inability to build individual modules in the sandbox that
is not an issue in trunk
 some concern over compatibility with Eclipse reformatting (IDEA
seems to be OK)

* want to have the sandbox code build on a clean machine
 need to fix top-level pom version
 need to include new spec module
 need to fix version of sdo dependency in databinding module
 need to set up to use the snapshot repo (for the sdo dependency)

* we will leave the new spec stuff in the sandbox for now


On 6/24/06, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thought about canceling this due to ApacheCon starting at the same
time...but there are a lot of people not going who'll still be able to make
the chat, and for those who'll already be at ApacheCon remember theres
little geekier than participating in your own projects IRC chat while at at
an ApacheCon! Ideally sit at the same table as others on the chat and don't
speak to each other :-)

Hi folks!

This is a reminder that the weekly Tuscany developer chat will be
occurring on Monday, June 19, at: 15:30 GMT, 16:30 BST, 08:30am PDT,
11:30am EDT, 21:00 Bangalore

The chat takes place on the freenode IRC network, (use server, on channel #tuscany, and is scheduled to last one
hour, though it may run longer.  Please join us!

If you need an IRC client for windows, check out,
and has some links to clients for other



[08:31] <ant_> hi
[08:31] <jboynes> hi
[08:31] <kgoodson> hi
[08:31] <gwinn> hi
[08:31] <cr22rc> hi
[08:32] <jliu> hi guys
[08:32] *** kevin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) joined
[08:34] <jboynes> I'd like to remind any committers who haven't done so yet to 
sign up on the private mailing list
[08:35] <rfeng> what are the topics for today?
[08:35] *** dkulp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) joined
[08:38] <ant_> does anyone have any? what about that launcher thread on the 
mailing list? the sandbox...a few of us are at apachecon this week so will be 
talking a lot aboutthat i expect
[08:39] <jboynes> happy to chat about the launcher if anyone's interested
[08:39] <jboynes> beats quiet :-)
[08:40] <jboynes> I'd also ask if anyone is interested in setting up the 
profile for checkstyle/pmd
[08:41] *** jliu quit ("Download Gaim:";)
[08:41] <jboynes> the thing Jim, Dan and I were chatting about
[08:42] *** jliu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) joined
[08:42] <cr22rc> seems like some key people missing jim, sebastien
[08:43] <ant_> what does 'setting up the profile' involve?
[08:44] <dkulp> Two parts:
[08:44] <cr22rc> (turning everyting off ) JUST KIDDING !
[08:44] <dkulp> 1) Setting up a "pluginManagement" section to configure the 
plugins (not a big deal, almost done)
[08:44] <dkulp> 2) Setting up a "profile" that turns on the wanted plugins when 
that profile is invoked
[08:45] <dkulp> Actually:  3) Updating the "default' (non-profile) case to 
remove the unwanted plugins
[08:45] <dkulp> FYI:  it's ALL already done in the trunk.   It's just the 
sandbox code that isn't done.
[08:45] <jboynes> I'd suggest doing it like celtix i.e. on by default but with 
a profile to turn it off
[08:46] <ant_> looking back on the ML, there was a comment that you with 
checkstyle on you can't build individual modules. has that been fixed?
[08:46] <dkulp> On trunk, there is a "properties" flag in each module that says 
whether to fail the build or just "warn" for that module
[08:47] <dkulp> For modules that aren't fixed yet, the flag is set to just 
"warn".   For Celtix and others that are fixed, it's set to fail.
[08:48] <jboynes> ant_, not that I know of, I know there were some suggestions
[08:48] <jboynes> dkulp, is that also a problem in trunk?
[08:49] <dkulp> No, trunk works fine.   You should be able to run "mvn 
-Psourcecheck" and it will run spitting out warnings for all the checkstyle 
[08:49] <jboynes> even in individual modules?
[08:50] <dkulp> Yep.   (may need to have built from root once)  (aka; parent of 
[08:51] <ant_> do we need to update our eclipse style template stuff to match 
[08:51] <jboynes> ok, so there's a template that shows what need to be done to 
the sandbox modules
[08:51] <jboynes> yes?
[08:52] <dkulp> We can make the sourcecheck profile to be "activeByDefault" if 
we want that, then create a new "noSourceCheck" or similar profile for 
developers to use.
[08:52] <rfeng> Just want to make sure: Is PMD from
[08:52] <dkulp> The eclipse style templates should be OK except for the line 
length.   Not really sure though.
[08:52] <dkulp> rfeng:  yes.
[08:52] <ant_> what is the line length now?
[08:53] <jboynes> 120
[08:53] <dkulp> I think Jim changed the one in the sandbox to 120.
[08:53] <dkulp> Or Jeremy.  :-)
[08:53] <jboynes> I thought that is what we were using
[08:54] <jboynes> I don't mind if we go wider :-)
[08:54] <dkulp> Honestly, I'd like to go less (110), but 120 is OK.
[08:54] <cr22rc> Are we suggesting ... 80 .. please say no.
[08:54] <ant_> have any of you been using eclipse and our current style 
template with this? its goingto suck a bit if everytime i do a format in 
eclipse it breaks somthing in checkstyle
[08:55] <cr22rc> I've used it.
[08:55] <jboynes> I've been using idea and needed to change one thing (the 
indent on a wrapped "throws" clause")
[08:55] <jboynes> that was it
[08:56] <dkulp> I don't know.  I never use the Eclipse reformat.   If the code 
starts off compliant, and I write compliant code, I don't need the reformat.  
[08:57] <dkulp> There may need some changes to things like the eclipse import 
order and such.   I don't really know as I use celtix to setup the eclipse 
workspace which handles all of that.
[08:57] <jboynes> I use reformat quite a bit and it seems ok
[08:58] <rfeng> reformat helps me as well
[08:58] <ant_> i use it all the time so i hope it can be compatable
[08:58] <rfeng> I trust machine more than human beings :-)
[08:59] <rfeng> we just have to make the check-style and the templates for IDEs 
[08:59] <jboynes> what I don't like about eclipse is that it seems too literal
[09:00] <jboynes> but this isn't meant to be an ide feature fest :-)
[09:01] <ant_> do you have much idea of how much more work there is to get 
everything passing? how many modules in trunk are set to fail or warn?
[09:02] <dkulp> Only celtix is set to fail I think.    Axis and jsonrpc would 
be easy as they are mostly there.
[09:03] <dkulp> I don't know about the rest.   A simple reformat in 
Eclipse/IDEA would probably fix 90% or more of the rest.
[09:03] <dkulp> However, that will KILL all the merges to/from the sandbox
[09:03] <dkulp> Thus, if we're planning on integrating the sandbox code, I 
suggest just doing it there.
[09:04] <dkulp> Honestly, I'd like to see a COMPLETE branch (including spec, 
sdo, das, etc...) instead of the sandbox if we are planning to use the sandbox 
code.   We talked about that a couple weeks ago.
[09:05] <ant_> i agree with you, but its the "...if we are plannig to use..." 
that remains unanswered
[09:06] <cr22rc> If there is going to be a lot of merging ... maybe this isn't 
the time to activate this?
[09:07] <jboynes> dkulp, you raise an interesting question - do we need to keep 
everything in lockstep?
[09:08] <jboynes> I mean spec, sdo, sca, das, ...
[09:08] <jboynes> when we started out we set things up so that they could be 
branched/released independently
[09:11] <ant_> i have to leave early sorry...ttyal
[09:11] *** ant_ changed nick to ant_away
[09:12] <jboynes> so for example I can see us doing several tuscany releases 
against the same spec jars
[09:12] <jboynes> or multiple sca releases with the same sdo version
[09:12] <jboynes> does anyone see a problem with that?
[09:13] <dkulp> No, but until things are available in the PUBLIC maven 
repositories, a new user needs to be able to run a single command to get 
everything built and runnable.
[09:14] <dkulp> Right now, if you wipe out your ~/.m2/repository directory, you 
CANNOT build the sandbox.
[09:14] <jboynes> perhaps, although we should be able to fix that
[09:15] <dkulp> Even if you could build it, the fact is you need to first built 
parts of trunk, then go to the sandbox, build the spec parts, then the sca 
parts, etc...
[09:16] <jboynes> sure, although we can fix that without creating a complete 
[09:16] <cr22rc> wouldn't we have different poms referencing different levels 
depending what people were interested in? How do we check those in?
[09:16] <jboynes> not sure what you mean "different poms referencing different 
levels depending what people were interested in" ?
[09:17] <dkulp> I guess my point is that if we are epecting developers to have 
a look at the sandbox code, let's get it to a point where it is buildable 
without going through a lot of hoops, checking out different versions/areas of 
the repository, etc....
[09:18] <jboynes> ok I'm lost
[09:18] <jboynes> we need to add the new spec stuff in I agree
[09:18] *** kevin quit ( )
[09:19] <jboynes> for the rest, now m1 is in the maven repo do we just need to 
add that repo to the pom?
[09:19] *** kevin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) joined
[09:20] <dkulp> You also need to update all the version numbers in the 
dependencies.   They currently just look for SNAPSHOT.
[09:21] <jboynes> for sdo?
[09:21] <dkulp> For the "PARENT" of the sandbox/sca/pom.xml as well.
[09:21] <jboynes> ,ok
[09:22] <jboynes> so we need to change the sca pom to change the version and to 
add the snapshot repo
[09:23] <jboynes> and we need to change the version in the sdo databinding pom
[09:23] <jboynes> and we need to figure out what to do about the spec changes
[09:23] <jboynes> anything else?
[09:24] <dkulp> Well, all the versions in the sandbox should probably be 
incremented to 1.0-incubating-M2-SNAPSHOT.
[09:25] <jboynes> perhaps something else: sandbox-SNAPSHOT I would suggest
[09:26] <dkulp> Sure.   In anycase, I think we have to make sure the sandbox is 
buildable from a "fresh" checkout and a "fresh" ~/.m2/repository
[09:26] *** jsdelfino ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) joined
[09:28] <jboynes> so what should we do with the spec changes?
[09:28] *** kevin quit ( )
[09:28] <jboynes> leave them where they are, move them to a branch, move them 
to trunk?
[09:28] *** gwinn quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:29] <jboynes> move them somewhere else?
[09:29] *** gwinn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) joined
[09:29] <dkulp> Where they are is fine, as long as the version number is 
incremented and we create a top-level pom that will include it in the build.
[09:30] *** kevin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) joined
[09:30] <jboynes> ok
[09:31] <jboynes> anything else?
[09:33] <dkulp> Not that I can think of right now.   :-)
[09:34] <jboynes> ok
[09:34] <jboynes> anyone else?
[09:34] <jboynes> or is this a wrap?
[09:34] <kgoodson> no
[09:35] *** gwinn_ ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) joined
[09:36] <dkulp> I think we're OK.
[09:36] <jboynes> ok - thanks folks, talk to y'all later
[09:36] <kevin> bye
[09:36] <dkulp> If we can make it an action item for the week to get the 
sandbox buildable, that's great.
[09:36] *** jliu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) left ()
[09:36] *** kgoodson changed nick to kgoodson_away
[09:37] <jboynes> how's it go, oh yeah - "thanks for volunteering" :-)
[09:37] <jboynes> jk - I'll work on it
[09:37] <dkulp> :-)
[09:37] <dkulp> One of the guys here has a saying:   "ask, and ye shall receive 
the action item"
[09:38] <cr22rc> LOL
[09:38] *** gwinn quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:38] *** gwinn_ changed nick to gwinn
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