I've spent a little time playing with the C++ SCA implementation. I want to
replay my understanding to see if it is correct.

When constructing a service that will have a web service binding you have to
provide a number of things including

 myservice.h to define the class that is the service
 myservice.cpp to implement the class that is the service
 myservice.wsdl to describe the service interface

Of course you have to provide the appropriate SCA configuration files also,
e.g. sca.module, Tuscany-model.config  etc, and you have to SCAGen the
interface to generate proxies and wrappers.

- At this point in time there is no WSDL -> C++ or C++ -> WSDL tooling

Hence at present there is a requirement that you, as the developer of the
service, ensure that the interface described in C++ matches the interface
described in WSDL.

- At this point in time there is no C++ SDO support for static types

Hence interfaces to services that take SDOs will always descibe the
interface in terms of DataObjects.

- The web services interfaces adopt the doc/literal/wrapped  pattern

Hence the WSDL has to be constructed/used carefully in this respect to match
the expectations of the runtime and the types that are used to describe WSDL
message elements are not the types that find their way in and out of the C++
service implementation. It is the types that are themselves wrapped that
find themselves presented to and returned from the service implementation.

Is this understanding correct?

Is there some way we can provide a helper function (or simple generator)
that demonstrates how a service operation should handle the types it is
presented with and produce a type for return based on the WSDL description
of the interface? This could be as simple as providing a mechanism to print
out a template C++ operation based on the model formed from the WSDL. Maybe
this could be done with good documentation and samples but I'm not sure.

I sense that there will be mistakes made in this area by new users;-)



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