On Jul 6, 2006, at 3:04 PM, Jim Marino wrote:

On Jul 6, 2006, at 2:22 PM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

We will also hold pre-announced chats at other times so try and bring closure to issues that seem to be dragging on in email threads. The point of these is to come to a decision and such outcomes must be posted to the list for all to review. It is the discussion on the list that is binding.
I like all of this except the above. I thought decisions of substance cannot be made on IRC? It sounds unfair since people oftentimes cannot attend. I have no problems with discussions but decision making should be on the list. I hate to be a contrarian on this point but I feel it is important.

The intention here was to provide a mechanism to handle discussions from the list that were just going on and on. Critical is that the discussion started on the list and would conclude on the list. I was trying to capture that the point of the chat would be to tackle a specific issue rather than just have your typical rambling IRC thread :-)

Would it work for you to say that the point of the chat would be to have a focused discussion?


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