Thanks, Sam; this is very helpful.  One part in particular of the
James Duncan Davidson post caught my eye:

4) The trunk is the official versioned line of the project. All
evolutionary minded people are welcome to work on it to improve it.
Evolutionary work is important and should not stop as it is always
unclear when any particular revolution will be ready for prime time
or whether it will be officially accepted.

I think we have failed to follow this guideline over recent weeks.
People have submitted patches for the trunk and they have not been
applied (or applied to a sandbox instead).  Technical discussions
have started that in the normal course of events would have led to
commits and patches, but these commits and patches have not been
forthcoming.  This has generally led to progress on the project
(except for sandbox activity) being stalled, presumably because
people were waiting to see what would happen with the sandbox code.

I believe we need to get the project moving forward again.  At the
present time, we have an evolutionary trunk and a revolutionary
sandbox.  We should therefore continue (in reality restart) doing
evolutionary work on the trunk for the reasons that JDD gives in
the quote above.  There is evolutionary work that can usefully
be done, such as Raymond's work on databindings, the work on
interface represenation that Ant and others have been discussing,
Venkat's RMI binding, and the ongoing work on Java2WSDL.  I'm sure
there are other things too.  If at some point there is a revolution,
then we will deal with it when it happens and rework existing code
as necessary.

Revolutionaries can work in the "chianti" sandbox, or if they
prefer a different brand of revolution, they can create another
sandbox to do this.  The latter is perfectly legitimate according
to the Rules for Revolutionaries, and I think it is healthy for
the project for people to be able to show their new ideas in the
form of code, as long as the project as a whole (i.e., the whole
community) keeps moving forward with ongoing work on the trunk
and doesn't focus exclusively on what is happening in the


Sam Ruby wrote:

Jeremy Boynes wrote:


I'm disappointed that you have chosen this path. I will ask one more time if you and Sebastien would consider collaborating with those of us working on core2.

A while ago, I agreed to be a mentor for this project. I guess it is about time that I start acting like one.

If this project ever hopes to exit incubation, it had better start acting like an ASF project. For starters, I suggest that all committers read the Rules for Revolutionaries[1][2][3].

For those who want the Cliff notes version: anybody who wants to work in an evolutionary fashion on the main trunk is welcome to do so. Anybody who wants to work on a revolutionary branch is welcome to do so. Multiple concurrent revolutionary branches are OK too.

One thing that is decidedly NOT OK is to include a version number in the name, as it causes friction. Hence, I'd suggest that "core2" immediately get renamed to something that neither reflects the term "core" or the number "2".

Something implicit in the R4R document is that the burden of proof is on the revolutionaries. If you would like to see your particular branch merged back onto the trunk, be prepared to demonstrate why your particular branch is not merely better, but necessary. My experience it that the more concrete and the less hand-wavy the argument, the more likely it will be accepted. So, if you chose to believe that scenarios and test cases are optional, just remember, merging your sandbox back to the trunk is optional too. That does not mean that scenarios and test cases are required, but it does mean that if these aren't present, you need to come up with something just as compelling.

- Sam Ruby


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