Ignacio and I had a chat on non-blocking and conversational support today for those interested:

isilval__: hi jmarino, you there?
[11:25am] jmarino: hey Igancio, will you be around in 30mins? I'm otp
[11:25am] isilval__: sure, I'll be here
[11:38am] isilval__ left the chat room. ("Trillian (http:// www.ceruleanstudios.com")
[11:48am] isilval__ joined the chat room.
[11:48am] jmarino: Hi Ignacio
[11:48am] isilval__: hi Jim, had to rebootm, but I'm back
[11:48am] isilval__: reboot ...
[11:49am] jmarino: k I'm free if you are to chat
[11:49am] isilval__: yes, I was thinking about starting to prototype local stateless callbacks in chianti based on the discussion so far [11:50am] jmarino: yea that sounds good. Do you want to walk through a couple cases now and we can discuss? [11:50am] jmarino: I looked at your preso more on the plane back yesterday
[11:50am] isilval__: sure, you have something in mind?
[11:51am] jmarino: sure I have a few questions maybe we could start there?
[11:51am] isilval__: ok
[11:51am] jmarino: just as a warning I'm a bit jet-lagged so I may be a bit incoherent
[11:51am] isilval__: yeah, jet lag can do that to you ...
[11:52am] jmarino: so the first question was regarding the need for a non-blocking invoke on the target invoker. I'm wondering if we need that or we can use what is there and return void [11:52am] jmarino: the reason I ask is I'm trying to limit the number of combinations [11:53am] isilval__: right, except that the method in TargetInvoker returns Object [11:53am] jmarino: yes so I was thinking just null, which is never returned to the client [11:53am] isilval__: and the actual target invoker may want to be able to tell the difference to know what to do [11:54am] isilval__: in the local case it may want to dispatch to the work manager [11:55am] jmarino: the target invoker (ti for short so I don't have to type) is created by the target side. So, wouldn't always be local or always be remote? [11:55am] jmarino: for example, the target is a component or it is a reference [11:56am] isilval__: hmm, maybe I misunderstand, I thought the ti was configured into the wire invocation handler [11:56am] jmarino: it is but it is determined by the target. The ti is created by the target and then put on the client side [11:57am] jmarino: the runtime does this when it connects the two sides of the wire
[11:57am] isilval__: ah, ok
[11:57am] jmarino: the ti is then passed in the invocation as part of the message [11:57am] jmarino: at the end, there is an interceptor which pulls it from the message and invokes the ti [11:58am] isilval__: ok, but it still needs to know that this invocation unwinds right away and does not wait for the target
[11:58am] jmarino: right so the ti is per operation as well
[11:58am] jmarino: it should know that when it is created by the runtime
[11:59am] isilval__: ah yes, I remember being a bit confused about that in the code [11:59am] isilval__: ok, so then there would be different kinds for different types of operations [11:59am] jmarino: yea it is kind of complex. it would be good to see if we can simplify some things as we go through this too
[11:59am] jmarino: yes different kinds per operation
[11:59am] isilval__: but they all implement only one invoke
[12:00pm] isilval__: that sounds doable
[12:00pm] isilval__: as long as we can capture the variability
[12:01pm] isilval__: we can go as you propose and see how far it takes us [12:01pm] jmarino: yea hopefully we can do that. Right now we create a target invoker by passing a java.lang.Method. This may be problematic.... [12:01pm] jmarino: we may need to have a generic representation of the operation, including whether it is async [12:02pm] jmarino: if that is the case, then we can fix that as we go through [12:02pm] isilval__: right now it can tell by introspecting its interface and checking whether it has a callback annotation ...
[12:03pm] isilval__: that could be messy
[12:03pm] jmarino: yea I think that is problematic...
[12:03pm] jmarino: one is the knowledge of the annotation. The other is for non-Java [12:03pm] jmarino: I think we need to have a general service contract representation [12:04pm] jmarino: so for instance, on Component we have TargetInvoker createTargetInvoker(String serviceName, Method operation); which is a problem
[12:04pm] isilval__: is that something that can be deferred?
[12:04pm] jmarino: we could. As long as we can differentiate the async vs. sync
[12:04pm] jmarino: Looking at it, I'm not sure we can though
[12:05pm] isilval__: you mean in general?
[12:06pm] jmarino: If we can defer it, I think it would be good to do that. The problem I'm starting to think about is how does the Component know it is an async or sync operation that it is creating the ti for. [12:07pm] isilval__: well the service interface must have a callback associated with it [12:07pm] jmarino: yes. I think the problem is say for org.apache.tuscany.spi.component.Reference....
[12:07pm] isilval__: can we get at the service interface from the name?
[12:08pm] jmarino: let me check something quickly...
[12:09pm] jmarino: sorry.. was just digging through code
[12:09pm] jmarino: ok we do have ServiceContract
[12:10pm] jmarino: we could get it from there
[12:10pm] jmarino: for example org.apache.tuscany.core.implementation.JavaServiceContract
[12:10pm] jmarino: there's a WSDL one as well
[12:12pm] jmarino: does that make sense?
[12:12pm] isilval__: not sure why Reference is involved
[12:12pm] jmarino: a Reference can also create a ti (Reference == ExternalService ) [12:12pm] jmarino: can you open org.apache.tuscany.spi.component.Reference ?
[12:12pm] isilval__: ah yes
[12:13pm] isilval__: ok
[12:13pm] jmarino: that has createTargetInvoker(String serviceName, Method operation); as well
[12:13pm] jmarino: operation is represented as a Method
[12:13pm] jmarino: eventually, we should probably change that to something more generic [12:14pm] jmarino: originally we had a generic one, went to methods because it was simpler and now I think it may be problematic [12:14pm] isilval__: so the client is creating a ti for the async invocation of an operation with a callback
[12:15pm] isilval__: and it needs to create an async ti
[12:15pm] jmarino: what happens is the runtime processes a model in a couple of steps...
[12:15pm] jmarino: the first is to load from XML to an in-memory model
[12:15pm] isilval__: right
[12:15pm] jmarino: then the model is processed and built (the builders)... [12:16pm] jmarino: at that point the components are created with inbound and outbound wires... [12:16pm] isilval__: so it's the in-memory model of the client component that is creating the ti [12:16pm] jmarino: the wires are not connected. they are basically dangling
[12:16pm] isilval__: right
[12:16pm] jmarino: then there is the connect phase which attaches inbound and oputbound
[12:16pm] jmarino: at that point the tis are created
[12:17pm] jmarino: one other thing may happen
[12:17pm] jmarino: if the ti is optimizable, the WireInvocationHandler may clone it and hold on to it on the proxy
[12:17pm] jmarino: that is at the first invoke
[12:17pm] jmarino: if it is not cacheable, it just uses the "master" ti
[12:18pm] isilval__: sounds like it could be cacheable
[12:18pm] jmarino: for many things it can. For some things it can't. E.g. if I call from a module-->session scope component it can't be cached
[12:18pm] jmarino: the other way around it can be
[12:18pm] isilval__: I see
[12:19pm] jmarino: so I'm wondering whether we see how far using Method will take us and if we need to change it we can
[12:20pm] jsdelfino joined the chat room.
[12:20pm] jsdelfino left the chat room.
[12:21pm] jmarino: what do you think?
[12:21pm] isilval__: yeah we can try that
[12:22pm] jmarino: k have another question. You mentioned about redoing the one way. Could you explain a little? [12:22pm] isilval__: well, one-way does something similar and it may also vary depending on local/remote
[12:23pm] isilval__: ie, it may not need to spawn a new thread if remote
[12:23pm] jmarino: so since the ti is always determined by the target we should be ok right?
[12:23pm] isilval__: sounds like it
[12:24pm] isilval__: perhaps that could be our very first baby step
[12:24pm] isilval__: to see if we can redo one-way this way
[12:24pm] jmarino: that would be good.
[12:24pm] isilval__: and then we'll deal with the actual callback
[12:24pm] isilval__: let me try to prototype that
[12:25pm] jmarino: so we have an AsyncInterceptor in there. Youd' change it to a ti?
[12:25pm] isilval__: right
[12:26pm] isilval__: instead of spawning right away, the ti would spawn right before the invoke
[12:26pm] isilval__: ie, the invocation chains would happen sync'ly
[12:27pm] jmarino: right
[12:27pm] jmarino: would we start with a local Java component or try a remote thing? [12:28pm] isilval__: for one-way, the local seems to be the more involved
[12:28pm] jmarino: k so which do you prefer to start with?
[12:28pm] isilval__: local
[12:29pm] jmarino: k so we'll have to change JavaAtomicComponent around a little
[12:29pm] jmarino: and there is a PojoInvoker
[12:29pm] isilval__: PojoInvoker can stay as it is for sync
[12:30pm] jmarino: yes right
[12:30pm] isilval__: and we could something like AsyncPojoInvoker
[12:30pm] jmarino: yep
[12:30pm] jmarino: I've got a few changes to commit in it related to constructor injection tonight. Perhaps I could get those in tonight and then you start prototyping. I'll apply patches for you
[12:31pm] isilval__: sounds good
[12:31pm] jmarino: k what I can also do is make sure I'm on IRC and GoogleTalk since I imagine there will be a bunch of questions that come up
[12:31pm] jmarino: do you use googletalk?
[12:31pm] isilval__: I'll be in tomorrow and monday and then out on vacation tue-fri next week
[12:32pm] isilval__: yes, that would be good
[12:32pm] jmarino: k I'll be here tomorrow and monday to. I'm back in San Fran now [12:32pm] jmarino: k so I'll check those things in tonight and we'll keep moving through this
[12:32pm] isilval__: sounds good
[12:33pm] jmarino: also, do you mind if I post this to the list since Meeraj and Jeremy were also interested?
[12:33pm] isilval__: I was going to ask about that
[12:33pm] isilval__: sure, that would be good
[12:34pm] jmarino: Jeremy is on the Axis binding right now but I think we may be able to get him to deal with some of the Method stuff. Meeraj had some interest as well...there's certainly enough work to go around [12:34pm] isilval__: I'm still seeing build issues with binding integration test
[12:34pm] jmarino: oh jaxb?
[12:34pm] isilval__: yeah
[12:35pm] jmarino: I don't know what happened there. You may just want to comment it out and post the problem to the list. I can take a look at it or Jeremy or Raymond will
[12:35pm] jmarino: I think Sun's maven repo is iffy
[12:36pm] isilval__: yeah, I'll take another look at that thread to make sure I'm not missing anything and post to the list if I still can't build [12:36pm] jmarino: k in the meantime I'll be on IRC here if you have questions
[12:36pm] isilval__: great, thx
[12:36pm] jmarino: thanks too for jumping in
[12:37pm] isilval__: sure, should be fun
[12:37pm] jmarino: yea looking forward to seeing this get in since I think it is going to be one of the "wow" features
[12:38pm] isilval__: cool
[12:38pm] jmarino: k ttyl
[12:38pm] isilval__: ttfn

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