lresende also offered to help with das

On Jul 17, 2006, at 10:01 AM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

On IRC this morning we chatted about the changes to the site to address some of the comments we had at ApacheConEU.

Last week I checked the toolkit from the incubator site into sandbox/jboynes/site as a possibly simpler alternative to using maven to generate the site. A few people offered to help flesh this out with content:
* jboynes on layout and nav
* slaws on "what is SCA"
* kgoodson on "what is SDO"
* kevin on DAS
* cr22rc on toolkit stuff
* dwheeler on images

We could really use some help with non-Java content. I know the C++ people are busy with getting a release out but if you could take a couple minutes to see what we're doing it would be appreciated.

Given the different people looking at this, I will move the directory out to sandbox/site


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