Point of note: for UNIT TEST code coverage, you can use the cobertura stuff 
built into maven.   Just run:

mvn cobertura:cobertura  

and it will generate a HTML coverage report for the maven module in 

There are also some nice dependency reports that we can generate from maven:

Cross reference report:


On Tuesday July 18 2006 2:27 pm, Jim Marino wrote:
> I've been using Clover as a test coverage tool and have found it
> quite useful (http://www.cenqua.com/clover/) Licensing is free for
> open source projects and it has plugins for popular IDEs so it can be
> run as part of a standard code-test cycle (it can be toggled on and
> off).
> Although it is a bit indiscriminate (e.g. it flags getters and
> setters), I find it particularly helpful when writing test cases
> since it highlights untested code in the IDE. I have attached a
> sample report I just ran that shows the high level statistics from a
> run.
> When we get around to creating integration build infrastructure I
> would like us to examine using this and generating reports that are
> posted to a project status page since it is a good indication of
> areas that need work.
> It would also been nice to run a dependency analyzer periodically
> over the codebase to avoid cycles in our package structures. I've
> seen people use JDepend or SonarJ. Does anyone have experience with
> either of these two or an alternative?
> Jim

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194   F:781-902-8001

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