Geoff,  while providing convenience as Frank explains, the spec doesn't
prevent users from converting themselves.
e.g. a user can always converts from double to byte then calls setByte.

Are you proposing to always force users to convert and setXxx fails with
mismatched Type?

On 7/20/06, Frank Budinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Geoff,  I don't really know the answer, but my guess is that it's simply a
matter of trying to provide as much convenience as possible. I think you
should ask this question on the SDO spec collaboration mailing list.


"Geoffrey Winn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/20/2006 08:36:09

> This may be the wrong forum for this question (in which case maybe
> can suggest the right one) however, I'm a bit puzzled by some of the
> in datatype conversions that SDO performs.
> Some conversions are obvious, such as Byte to any of the wider integer
> forms. However others are more questionable. For example, referring to
> 146 of V2.01 of the Java Spec, it seems to be possible to convert a
> to Byte. I can see that occasionally that will work, and occasionally it
> will work with a modest amount of rounding, but in most cases the result
> just noise. Long to Byte is another one that will fail a lot more often
> it succeeds.
> The obvious reply to this is that it is up to the user to make sure that
> these conversions are invoked only when they make sense - but if the
> has to take that responsibility, then they might as well do the
> themselves.
> I just wondered what the reasoning was behind including such a wide
range of
> conversions.
> Regards,
> Geoff.



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