Thanks Robbie, Here's a corrected link to the parent folder of the 3 zip
file attachments for the above note ...

I've pulled them down and will have a play while I'm away next week.

Cheers, Kelvin.

On 7/21/06, Robbie J Minshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Updated sdo samples and placed on the wiki at -
any comments are welcome.

The following changes were made :
- updated copyright
- added package and project overview to javadoc
- reworked javadoc for samples in order to increase consistancy
- reworked codeSnipet examples s.t they can standalone rather than refer
to each other.  Determined that being able to standalone was more
important than code duplication within Samples.

Remaining work items
- complete TODO listings
- write getting started tutorial and attach to overview javadoc
- screenshots for getting started and execution of samples
- commit initial samples
- work on best practices example set and include new samples form papers
that are in progress.


Best Regards
Kelvin Goodson

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