On 7/21/06, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Pete Robbins wrote:
> Looks interesting. One quick comment: what is "Object" in C++ terms? ;-)

Good question.

I was trying to keep the class diagram language-independent with types
like String, QName, NCName, AnyURI, and Object, and using Object for
Component property values.

If I understand the SCA spec correctly, the value of a component
property can be a primitive type, a string, an SDO DataObject or another
data-binding-specific representation of a complex type. In most
programming languages primitive types are not Objects, so my usage of
Object here was not quite correct. I'll define an Any type to represent
these property values in the class diagram (actually corresponding to
the xsd:any used by the spec to define these types).

In the C++ runtime, will that translate to a void *?

That's what I thought when Pete posed the question, but this still leaves
the issue of how to deal with the pointer when it needs to be used somewhere
- there's no way of knowing how to deal with/get the value because it isn't
typed in any way.
One way to get round this would be to have a "typed thing" struct or similar
which would consist of a void * pointer and an enum to define the type, but
then, we're starting to head into SDO territory here.. ;-)


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