I'm trying to understand where the Axis2Service of the new Axis2 binding is
going to get its InboundWire from.

Currently the only example I see is the Axis2ServiceTestCase mocking up this
wire and setting it on the Axis2Service created by the testcase.

The Jun 5 .ppt presentation says: "The runtime provides components with
InboundWires and OutboundWires"

In the simple case in which our binding was part of an AtomicComponent w/
Java implementation, shouldn't the ServiceExtension implemented by the Axis
2 binding be able to access the InboundWire created by
JavaComponentBuilder.build()  somehow?   But if this were the case then I'd
sort of expect to see the ServiceExtension base class doing this.

Is this not implemented yet or is it there in some way I'm not recognizing?

Scott Kurz

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