Hi Jeremy / Jim,

Is there something called a 'default sca binding'.  For example is the
following composite valid?  So does it mean that in the absence of bindings
the default binding is in place which is 'default sca binding'?

<composite xmlns="http://www.osoa.org/xmlns/sca/1.0";

   <service name="TuscanyCalcService" target="CalculatorServiceComponent">
       <interface.java interface="calculator.CalculatorService"/>

   <component name="CalculatorServiceComponent">
       <implementation.java class="calculator.CalculatorServiceImpl"/>
           <reference name="addService" target="AddServiceComponent"/>
           <reference name="subtractService"
           <reference name="multiplyService"
           <reference name="divideService"

If the above composite defn. is valid... I don't see any sample that has a
composite that exposes services or is there one that I have missed?  I do
know that when we have the Axis2, Celtix, RMI bindings up there are going to
be samples that will have this.  But without these bindings is there one say
to demonstrate or test composites exposing services (thro say sca default
binding) ?


- Venkat

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