Here's the IRC log from yesterdays scheduled chat. The main things talked
about were:

- various problems with implementing extensions such as the Axis2 binding.
- how to handle extension dependencies. Suggestion were for a new
dependency element in the scdl,  having an ArtifactRepository and  an impl
of that using maven repos, and a suggestion of web app style .sar or .scab
files (I'll send a separate mail about that)
- -Psourcecheck came up,  most didn't want it required before commits
- how to use JIRAs more effectively was discussed, we should try to use them
more to track what we're working on


* Now talking in #tuscany
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* Looking up sykesm user info...
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<ant> Hi guys
* dwheeler has joined #tuscany
<kgoodson> hi
<jboynes> howdy
<lresende> hi
<dwheeler> hi
<cr22rc> hi
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<ant> So i'd suggestted talking about writing extensions, but with Jim not
here maybe that wont work
<jboynes> given the recent changes to all the wiring that's probably true
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<jboynes> we can talk general things though if there are high level
<cr22rc> I posted a message about loading a reference directly .. if that
should work
<jboynes> it should
<jboynes> I didn't really understand the question
* Venkat has joined #tuscany
<cr22rc> I now altered the sampe to load a java component that references
the binding.. but have run in that my axis binding builder get loaded but no
build method gets called.
<jervisliu> i think the problem for axis2 binding is that there still some
parts not implemented yet
<jervisliu> we used to have a class called TomcatHost or sth like that
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<cr22rc> wasn't that on the server?
<jboynes> that was only used for the service side
<jboynes> references should not need it
<jervisliu> which is used to boot strap servlet container, register axis2
servlet etct. but we dont have equal class at the moment
<jboynes> I think that is why cr22rc was starting with references
<jervisliu> oh, yes, thats only for service, for the server side
<Venkat> has the SystemCompositeBuilder a role to play here...
<Venkat> in that I see that there are components and services added... but
not references
<jboynes> that could be
<jervisliu> also the question Venkat asked last week, how to setup
inboundWire, i didnt see the answer yet.
<jboynes> Venkat: but the CompositeBuilder does
<jboynes> and we should be building an application composite here
<cr22rc> here is a high level question ... what to do about  extension
dependencies jars
<jboynes> :-)
<jboynes> there's a higher level question: what to do about dependency jars
in genera
<jboynes> in general
<jboynes> e.g. if I deploy a bare XML file, where do implementation
artifacts come from?
<cr22rc> right now spliting them to the boot directory and the extension jar
in the extension directory kinda breaks the distribution/asembly that puts
them together
<jboynes> yes they should not be in the boot directory
<jboynes> that should just contain the stuff needed to boot the runtime
<jboynes> i was thinking of using the dependency information maven adds to
the jar
<jboynes> so we can read the maven metadata, find the dependencies and add
them to the classpath from a maven repo
<cr22rc> are we then commiting extension developers to using maven ? or
until some other tooling does that too?
<jboynes> I would say we are /enabling/ developers to use maven
<jboynes> and not just extensions, application composites as well
<jboynes> just like we allow people to use Class-Path jars as well
<jboynes> (from the manifest)
<jboynes> I think Jim has some ideas here on supporting OSGi dependencies as
<jboynes> I'd also suggested supporting a <dependencies> element in the SCDL
as well
<jboynes> for those cases where you did not have a jar file
<cr22rc> our loader would handle that .. right?
<jboynes> between the loader and the composite builder yes
<Venkat> Jboynes: I do not find any wire creation in CompositeBuilder
<Venkat> ok... lets take that later.. carry on with dependecies
<jboynes> yeah - that's better directed at jmarino anyway
<cr22rc> if in the scdl ... where phyically would it be looked for ?
<jboynes> not sure what you mean
<cr22rc> well mabye I need to see more details of it would be specified in
the scdl
<jboynes> maybe, but I don't understand the question you were asking
<Venkat> and we are talking about scdls that define extension as well as
those that are application assemblies .. right
<jboynes> yes (I think they should be the same)
<jboynes> cr22rc: do you mean, where physically would I get a dependency jar
<cr22rc> yes
<jboynes> ok
<jboynes> like this ...
<cr22rc> are you thinking the local repo?
<jboynes> you specify dependency info in the scdl
<jboynes> that is actually independent of the way the runtime locates the
<jboynes> you just declare what you need (name, version, type etc.)
<jboynes> the loader converts that to an Artifact description
<jboynes> and calls an ArtifactRepository to get physical URLs for it
<jboynes> one implementation of ArtifactRepository is based on Maven and
resolves using Maven repos
<jboynes> the most basic form just looks for the artifact in your local repo
cache (~/.m2/repository)
<jboynes> more sophisticated implementations may also fetch artifacts from
remote maven repos
<Venkat> jboynes: are we saying that maven repos will be the most natural
env. for developers..
<jboynes> no
<Venkat> can a developer thrive here with no knowledge of maven or maven
<Venkat> what will be the options in that case
<jboynes> this is one solution - there could be others
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<jboynes> hence the abstraction behind ArtifactReposiotry
<jboynes> I think jmarino had ideas based on OSGi
<Venkat> isn't this something that should also feed back into the specs...
<jboynes> yes
<jboynes> given the amount of open source stuff published to maven repos
then this seems like a good thing to do anyway
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<jboynes> agreed?
<Venkat> am not sure how the ArtifactRepository is going to be designed...
but expect that having Maven should not influence its abstraction
<Venkat> meaning... working its design bottom up from Maven
<jboynes> I posted a proposal to the list a while ago
<jboynes> Jim seemed to think it would work for both maven and osgi
<cr22rc> maybe we should review and come back to this .. have a url?
<jboynes> if you can think of other features the abstraction needs that
input would be valuable
<Venkat> jboynes: could you please help with a pointer to that thread
<cr22rc> BTW shouldn't we be putting these things in Jira?  I'm mean once we
start getting serious doing someting about it?
<cr22rc> Jira's are for featurs too AFAIK
<jboynes> so anyway, if we continue with this
<jboynes> then the dependencies for a extension would be fetched from the
artifact repo
<jboynes> with the dependencies being declared either in the composite's
scdl, in maven metadata in the jar, or through some osgi bundle resolution
<jboynes> cr22rc, does that solve your original problem
<jboynes> ?
<cr22rc> probably... the devil is in the details and will it be checked in
tonight :-)
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<jboynes> what will be checked in?
<cr22rc> this solution
<jboynes> sorry, read "it will" instead of "will it" :-)
<jboynes> I think I can add support for <dependency> elements by then sure
<cr22rc> :-)
<jboynes> using the maven metadata might take a bit longer
<jboynes> (need to parse the pom that is inside the jar - I would want to
reuse maven's own functions for that)
<jboynes> (as in, I don't think we should have a pom parser)
<ant> so is this saying if I want to insatll a webapp in tomcat that uses
tuscany I need to set up a maven repos?
<cr22rc> would it be too hard with this an implementation that dependencies
couldn't be just picked up in the same directory that the extension jar
<jboynes> ant: no, it is saying that if you have maven repos you can use
<ant> how does it work if I don't want to use a maven repos?
<cr22rc> will need another artifactrepository implemented... I think
<jboynes> you could put all your classes in your webapp as usual
<jboynes> or that
<Venkat> I have the same question as cr22rc
<jervisliu> We used to have a testing\tomcat directory in M1, that can
generate a list of
<jervisliu> tuscany jars needed in Tomcat.
<jervisliu> are we going to do the same thing?
<jboynes> we have a webapp distro that contains all the jars
<jboynes> cr22rc: if I have composites and libraries in the same directory,
how do I tell them apart?
<jboynes> and if I have multiple composites in the same directory, how do I
separate their classpaths?
<cr22rc> libraries don't have meta-inf/sca/
<jboynes> what if I have a library jar that doe?
<cr22rc> you see that as likely?
<jboynes> I see it as possible
<ant> how about sub dirs for each extension along the way webapps work, eg:
<ant> extensions/javascript
<ant> extensions/javascript/classes
<ant> extensions/javascript/lib
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<jboynes> that would work
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<jboynes> you could also support "packed" versions (like war files)
<jboynes> where the extension jar contained a "lib" directory inside it
<cr22rc> do you expect to load two different versions of a dependent library
for different extensions?
<ant> like sar files for sca archive :)
<jboynes> yes (except the jboss folks would probably sue us :-)
<jboynes> how about a "scar" file
<jboynes> (just kidding)
<dwheeler> I definitley think supporting such a ".scar" file is a good way
to go though.
<dwheeler> Makes life easier on the user
<cr22rc> SCAB file Sca  binary
<Venkat> and that is something that the specs can comfortably address
<dwheeler> even if you start to have archives with multiple copies of the
same libraries.
<jboynes> ant: can you post a proposal for a "sar", "scar or "scab" file
layout to the wiki?
<jboynes> that would also be the directory layout in the unpacked case you
<ant> knew i should have kept quiet
<ant> ok
<jboynes> thanks :-)
<jboynes> I'll work on the <dependency> stuff for tonight
<jboynes> and cr22rc can keep us honest :-)
<cr22rc> to support multiple implementations loaded at the same time don't
each need to have their own classloader ?
<jboynes> yes
<jboynes> each composite has it's own classloader
<jboynes> which is a child of the classloader of it's parent
<cr22rc> then there is more issues if the objects they create get shared ?
IMO things really go weird when same objects but loaded by different
classloaders interact
<jboynes> what do they share?
<ant> you mean you'll code the <dependency> stuff? Should I just try coding
the sar dir layout stuff as well then?
<jboynes> there had been some discussion of the dependency stuff on the list
<cr22rc> data ? wouldn't one binding for example create objects that would
themselves in a component and another binding create them too from a
different version and also be referenced from the same component?
* kevin__ has quit IRC
<jboynes> it might be an idea to capture the layout thing on the list or
wiki as well
<ant> ok
<jboynes> but if you want to do that in code it works for me :-)
<ant> i'll at least post a mail 1st
<jboynes> cr22rc: bindings would be the thing converting between
<jboynes> e.g. serializing in app1's classloader and deserializing in app2's
<jboynes> the binding itself will in in yet another classloader (some
systemy one)
<cr22rc> hmm won't that be quite a performance hit?
<jboynes> in general yes
<jboynes> it is one of the things we would look to optimize
<ant> On a new topic, Can I ask if it was just me that didn't know
-Psourcecheck was required now?
<cr22rc> I seen several "warnings" from jim
<cr22rc> I like to also ask after this ... what is our view of JIRAs ?
<jervisliu> i think once we resolve current checkstyle warnings, we should
switch on -Psourcecheck by default. so that ppl cant get mvn built if their
code dont comply
<ant> thats kind of where I was going to ask next. Is that the intention? Is
everyone happy with that? It seems a bit harsh to me
<cr22rc> Is there really that much of a benefit to be so strict?
<jboynes> i think it is too harsh by default and adds too much overhead if
done on every compile
<jboynes> I was happy with a rule that it should be done before a commit
<jboynes> s/rule/guideline/
<jboynes> or something
<ant> but thats never been suggested as a rule has it?
<ant> ok, guideline I'm fine with
<cr22rc> This sounds perfect if we get an independent continuous build to
give a seperate report on this daily
<ant> well 'fine' may be a bit strong
<jboynes> I thought that is where the original discussion ended up (back in
April or somewhen)
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<jboynes> cr22rc: that would be ok if committers consider a sourcecheck
problem the same as a build break
<ant> i didnt think it was that clear, but i'd have to go re read all the
<jboynes> and if you treat it as a build break IMO you would want to check
it before committign
<ant> i'm going to have to go soon. is there something else we could discuss
in 10 minutes?
<cr22rc> how we should be using Jira?
<ant> you mean should we raise JIRA's for the function we're working on or
want someone else to work on?
<jboynes> one for ant before he goes - are you happy with the
interface.wsdlstuff now?
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<ant> notihng has happened there has it?
<cr22rc> ant: yes
<jboynes> ant: you had questions on wsdlLocation and stuff that you were
going to clarify
<ant> i thought we left it at you were going to propose something?
<cr22rc> (why we need jiras)
<cr22rc> :-)
<jboynes> nope
<ant> cr22rc, I guess I'm fine with using JIRAs like that, but I'm not sure
if everyone will do it
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<cr22rc> well that's why I'm asking what is our position on his?
<cr22rc> this
<jboynes> cr22rc: I have a concern that all discussion will move into JIRA
comments that are harder for people to follow
<ant> i agree discussion should be on the devlist not in JIRA comments
<cr22rc> but once something is decided and being worked on would it not make
sense to copy the comments to a jira to track the activity and status of it
<jboynes> it might but as ant says I'm not sure everyone will
<ant> jboynes, are don't understand how wsdl is supposed to work or what
wsdlLocation will do so I can't propose something
<ant> (...I don't ...)
<jboynes> it's duplication and people don't tend to do things twice :-)
<jboynes> ant: i thought you were going to figure out what wsdlLocation and
stuff did
<ant> could put a link in the JIRA to the mail on the list?
<jboynes> i do think we should have jiras for anything non-committers are
<jboynes> so that we can track the patches and make sure they don't get
<ant> there isn't really any code for it yet is there? Just the attribute
being read thats in the interface wsdl loader
<jboynes> we also get the IP grant tracked in the jira entry
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* Looking up BaconLewis user info...
<cr22rc> ok seems odd to me we can have such a strong desire for source
checking but not use a system to track progress for all. I'm of the opinion
that svn should bounce the commit if there is no jira with it ... but I
guess I'm alone on this.
<halehM> Isn't it easier to use list of completed JIRAs at the end of a
milestone to determine what went into that release?
<Venkat> from my perspective it sometimes does make sense to have a Jira in
place... take the case of the dicussion on the wiring.. AFAIK there are
three mailing threads on it... if Jim were to answer which one would he
<jboynes> any of them in preference to just adding jira comments
<ant> cr22rc, I agree with the agree sentiment, but bouncing a commit is way
harsh IMHO
<jboynes> back to the "discussion on the list" thing
<jboynes> cr22rc: I agree with ant on that
<cr22rc> I was going to the extreme there ... but close to it.
<cr22rc> if you put just the jira in the top comment you can even go to the
jira and see the commits for it.
<jboynes> cr22rc: I think if you go too detailed then stuff gets lost in the
<cr22rc> rather nice
<ant> jboynes, if I stick around here for a bit do you think we could make
some progress on the WSDL issues?
<jboynes> how about later - I have calls for the next 3 hours
<Venkat> a more trivial request :-) that I have is ... one of you folks
please have a look at the website patch I submitted today... Jira-601
<Venkat> just an update to the documentation site
<Venkat> and let me know if that is ok...
<Venkat> sorry documenation page and not documentation site
<ant> I've just had a quick look Venkat - looks great to me. I don't know
how to build the website now  that its on the new system. cr22rc, is there
any doc or old emails saying this works now?
<Venkat> oops.. I just did a build.bat... has that changed now?
<cr22rc> to build just run build afaik
<ant> i've never even looked so I've no idea
<Venkat> all that I did is pulled down the site-author directory and then
executed build.bat (there is a readme there which talked about this)
<Venkat> and then the site-publish has all the htmls for checking out
<Venkat> ok.. I'll bow out now... its late.. thanks Ant for checking the
website stuff out .. jboynes & cr22rc let me know your opinions over mails
* Venkat has quit IRC
<ant> I'll make sure someone gets to it
<cr22rc> hold .. on for a sec venkat.. can you?
<ant> i have to go as well. ttyal...
* ant is now known as ant_away

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