 some comments on your points,

Re the return type loadObject, the spec says that ...
"The implementation of the static interfaces must implement the DataObject
interface, enabling all Data Objects, whether static or dynamic, to be used
with the DataObject interface."

So we could make the appearance of the XMLStreamReader look more POJO
aligned by returning Object,  but we would be stepping outside of SDO if we
were to return something that didn't implement DataObject.

Having an XMLStreamHelper.INSTANCE sounds reasonable,  scoped to the
TypeHelper.INSTANCE singleton.

Regards, Kelvin.

On 08/08/06, Yang ZHONG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From some use cases, I feel some changes to the XMLStreamHelper API might
make usage a little bit easier or more generic.
Your input will be very much appreciated.

1. Static DataObject may not necessarily always implement DataObject
interface, *and* XMLStreamHelper could be extended to serve POJO, so it
might be a little bit more generic for loadObject to return Object instead
of DataObject.

2. An INSTANCE static field might be a little bit convenient
to TypeHelper.INSTANCE), and consistent to other helper API such as
TypeHelper, XSDHelper and so on.

3. Following methods might be a little bit convenient:
    Object load(InputStream stream) throws XMLStreamException
    Object load(Reader stream) throws XMLStreamException



Best Regards
Kelvin Goodson

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