When I set up the Tuscany eclipse projects with mvn -Peclipse
eclipse:eclipse there are some compile errors in the eclipse projects.

One in the Groovy container:

The method andReturn(capture-of ?) in the type
IExpectationSetters<capture-of ?> is not applicable for the arguments
(String)    PropertyTestCase.java
groovy/src/test/java/org/apache/tuscany/container/groovy    line 52    11
August 2006 12:54:04    11027

and half a dozen of these errors in the databinding code:

Type mismatch: cannot convert from DirectedGraph<String,Object>.Vertex to
DirectedGraph<V,E>.Vertex    DirectedGraphTestCase.java
line 47    11 August 2006 12:53:36    10535

The code compiles fine outside of eclipse with mvn, so I guess this is an
eclipse compiler thing. Do others see these in eclipse or know how to fix


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