On Aug 11, 2006, at 12:37 PM, Ignacio Silva-Lepe wrote:

At the risk of complicating matters, what about services? For symmetry we should also consider a couple more scenarios 1) Component->Component - this must lie within a Composite and may have local or remote semantics 2) Component->Reference with remote Binding - the wire lies within a Composite and disappears into the remote binding 3) Component->Reference wired by the Composite - there is a local wire between the Component and the Reference and an external wire from the CompositeComponent to a sibling Component or Reference (aka the "uncle") 4) Service with remote Binding->Component - the wire lies within the composite and comes from the remote binding; this case seems to be well covered as well 5) Service wired by the Composite->Component - there is an external wire to the CompositeComponent from a sibling Component or Service, and a local wire between the Service and the Component

6) Composite(Component->Reference)->Composite(Service->Component) - a combination of 3) and 5) which may provide opportunities for wire optimization

To account for case 5), a case could also be made for a CompositeService SCAObject that could work in conjunction with its containing CompositeComponent to pass wires around.

Agreed - I was thinking that would be symmetrical but decided to stick with just references :-)


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