For TUSCANY-619 I am going to move some of the function currently in core into separate modules so that we can get the classloader isolation right.

The goal here is to break the modules down into four categories:
1) core runtime (spi, core) and dependencies
2) extensions (containers, bindings, data-bindings, idl, ...)
3) host implementations
4) api and bootstrap jars

Of these, only ones from the last category would appear on an application's classpath. These would be things like the standard SCA API classes, Tuscany-specific API classes, and a few classes that might be needed to boot the SCA runtime. Examples of these would be the current launcher module and the webapp module I recently added. These jars will be very small and will really need to stand on their own (i.e. they will have no dependencies that may conflict with application code).

The bootstrap code will reflectively load a host implementation using a isolated classloader and this will go on to boot the core runtime and then that will load its extensions.

So the simple command line launcher would work like follows:
* launcher.jar is run from the command line.
* It will build a boot classpath comprising all jars in the "boot" directory. This will be the host and core runtime jars * It will create a host component (reflectively) and set up any parameters (such as the path to the install directory)
* It will reflectively invoke the host's boot method
* The host will create the runtime and deploy the system scdl
* The system scdl may define an extension mechanism (e.g. a DirectoryScanExtender component) and then that would load extensions * The launcher will locate the application to launch and reflectively invoke the host's deploy method passing the URL * The host will construct the SCA config artifacts needed and use the runtime to deploy the application * The launcher will invoke the unmanaged application code's main() method * When the application exits the launcher will reflectively invoke the host to shut the runtime down

For the webapp host the behaviour would similar:
* the api and webapp bootstrap jars are added to the webapp classpath (in WEB-INF/lib or in an appserver directory) * a context listener is added to web.xml which will fire a bootstrapper in the webapp module * the bootstrapper will build a boot classpath from a resource in the webapp (or possibly from an external directory) * it will create a host, boot the runtime and deploy the application in the same way the launcher did * a TuscanyServlet (from the webapp bootstrap) will locate the ServletHost and forward requests into the runtime (e.g. for bound Services) * when the webapp shuts down, the context listener will shut down the runtime

Application code will be loaded using a classloader that contains the following classes: * ones from the component implementation which will either be the composite's classloader or a child of it * classes the implementation chooses to make available (e.g. the JS container may make the Rhino classes available) * classes from the Thread context classloader supplied by the host when it invoked Tuscany This classloader will also be set as the Thread context classloader. This means that for normal application code Thread.getContextClassLoader() == getClass().getClassLoader(). It also means that, through delegation, classes from the original Thread context classloader supplied on invocation are available to host libraries.

Extension code will be loaded using a classloader with the following:
* classes from composite providing the extension
Specifically, the Thread context classloader supplied by the host will not be modified. This means that extension code can assume that the Thread context classloader will always refer to application classes as specified above.


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