On 18/08/06, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mmm, not sure. I was thinking that in the case of an extension that I
want the C++ SCA model to reflect all of the components and associated
services and references that appear in the SCA configuration (whether that
be through SCDL or annnontations). Some (or all now you are making C++ an
extesnions) of the components are represented as extensions. Each
has to have some way of interacting with the bindings that C++ SCA
so needs to connect into the wrapper/proxy architecture provided. So I
what I'm saying is that I anticipated the runtime interface between
components implemented in extensions and the C++ SCA runtime, in
the bindings, to be via the proxy/wrapper route. I some cases the
may be able to use the core proxy/wrapper base system natively. In others
they may want to override it to provide language specific proxies and
wrappers. I may be talking complete twoddle here so correct me if tI'm
off on a tangent.

Not twoddle! I probably didn't explain my thoughts very well. I agree with
what you have written above. The "core" has to represent the assembly model
and allow access and extensions to that model. I guess I was just
questioning the proxy/wrapper architeture and thinking it is currently not
generic enough... i.e. it is hard coded to <implementation.cpp>

As an aside I would like to have a mechanism whereby bindings can be
implemented in either an extension or in C++ SCA. In this way faciliites
the extension environment can be used without recourse to C++ SCA if that
more appropriate (what more appropriate means is TBD in my mind at
So I have anticiapted that this could be done by allowing the connection
between extension and core proxy/wrapper representations to be broken. I
have to admit that this is not a high priority for me just something that
could be useful down the line




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