
 The ChangeSummary should not be exposed as a Property, but rather
through the DataObject.getChangeSummary() method.

 I think what you're describing is not so much a DAS, but rather a
serialization to a database -- the difference being that a DAS uses
the SDO metadata (such as the ChangeSummary) to propagate changes to a
backend, whereas a serialization would attempt to maintain all of the
meta-information along with the DataGraph. In practice, a DAS would
not need to store ChangeSummary information in the database, because
the ChangeSummary would already have been used to update the database


On 8/17/06, Robbie Minshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Looking at writing some test cases for the change summary on a DataObject.

If a DataObject can have a change summary then the Type must include a
property of type ChangeSummary.  I am assuming that a DataObject graph
heirachy can have multiple instances of this Type and there is a violation
only there are mulitple DataObjects with a non null property of type
ChangeSummary.  Does that seem correct ?

I am curious how this approach is going to be implemented for non XML
persistence mechanisms/DAS implementaitons.  For the rdb DAS for example
would one expect to add another column to the table schema?  Or is there
perhaps going to be a set of tables in the DB for storing this type of SDO
specific information?  Perhaps since there seems to be very little
protection anyhow ( another issue )  perhaps is there just going to be a
default property of changeSummary on all DataObjects when created from an

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