Hi Rania,

In the M1 code the WS entryPoint ignores the endpoint value of the port in
the WSDL, it is as you say: http:/[host]:[portnum]/[name of webapps
subdirectory]/services/[entry point name]

The readme for helloworlde4xws actually says use the helloworldjsclient not
the helloworldwsclient (thats _js_ not _ws_). That JavaScript client has
separate buttons to invoke the e4x or ws samples. If you look at the
sca.module file for the helloworldjsclient you'll see it has separate
externalService definitions for each web service it uses and thats where the
different endpoints are defined.

The service name is optional in a reference if the component only exposes a
singe service so it was left off in the sample to keep things simple.


On 8/18/06, Rania Khalaf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have two quick questions about how the M1 helloworld e4x sample is
working. Basically, the naming conventions seem off which is quite

I was looking at the M1 samples in order to understand how the URLs are
created for deployed WS.
It was under the impression that it is:   http:/[host]:[portnum]/[name
of webapps subdirectory]/services/[entry point name]

1)  the e4x hellworld sample uses the same url in its port as that for
the pojo helloworld sample:

It also says to use the same client as the POJO sample.  Why is that
not 'helloworlde4xws' after the port number since that is the name of
the webapps dir where this sample is?

2)The reference element in an entry point is usually
componentName/serviceName. The helloworld pojo sample does that exactly,
But the E4X one drops the service name (even though it does define it in
its componentType side file) in its reference element:

Can anyone please clarify whether the sample is correct, and if so how
come it works ?

Maybe: things defaulting to certain values somewhere ?  is there a
precedence order for clashing URLs?  is the port element ignored
altogether ? are we supposed to only deploy one or the other of the ws
samples and  use the same directory name in the tomcats webapps dir ?


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