Venkata Krishnan wrote:

The current implementation of Ruby in Java works only for scripts that have
global methods.  I am interested getting this work for methods inside
classes.. But then I am not able to figure out a way of doing this.

Can somebody help me with clues on the following... maybe even if the C++
guys are able to provide me some hints conceptually I can map it to the
JRuby stuff.  Here is what I do...

1) I load the script into the Ruby engine and get a RubyObject out of it
2) call the invoke method on the Ruby object to invoke the Ruby functions
   - in this invoke method there is no way I am able to specify the
RubyClass whos method I should invoke. All that it takes is the method name
as a string.  I tried using <ruby classname>.<ruby methodname> for the
method argument but failed.

So how do I specify the class?


- Venkat

On 9/8/06, Simon Laws < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 9/8/06, ant elder < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes we should be able to do the same type of thing with Java. Is the PHP
> API the same as the C++ API or is it simplified?
> I think for most if not all the Java based scripting languages we can
> expose the Java SDO API to the scripting language (at one point we had a > JavaScript version of the Big Bank sample account module that did this),
> but
> there are probably ways to use the dynamic nature of the script
> to
> come up with a simplify SDO API.
>    ...ant
> On 9/7/06, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > In PHP we have an implementation of SDO that is fully based on the
> > SDO
> > > implementation. I'm not sure if it will be instructive in the java
> space
> > but
> > > we have pretty much just wrapped the C++ SDO interfaces and exposed
> them
> > as
> > > native PHP objects. I guess you would have to do a similar thing in
> Ruby
> > or
> > > any other extension for that matter. The solution will depend on how
> you
> > > construct extensions to your scripting language. In PHP it just so
> > happens
> > > you have to do it in C/C++ but I would hope you can do it in Java
> > JVM
> > > based environments.
> > >
> >
> >
> > S
> >
> >
> The SDO API in PHP is fairly similar to the C++ SDO but is simplified
in particular it tries to take avantage of the features of PHP so that it
comfortable to use for the PHP programmer. For example, a typical user of
the XML DAS might do

$xmldas->addTypes("company.xsd ");
$document = $xmldas->loadFile("company.xml");
$company = $document->getRootDataObject();
$company_name = $company->name;     // property access style
$company_name = $company['name'];   // associative array access style
$company_name = $company[0];        // index array access style

The trick is make the experience as natural for the script developer
as possible so we have, for example,  provided all the normal PHP
object access styles.

Also our user space implementation of the relational DAS is quite
different from the current java implementation.




I'm not sure how you do with thiw JRuby, but you should call the target method on an instance of the Ruby component implementation class, not on the class itself. So do something like:
1. invoke "" and get an object representing your Ruby object
2. get an object representing the "add" method
3. invoke that method on the Ruby instance


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