On Sep 8, 2006, at 6:19 AM, Frank Budinsky wrote:

Well, even the most fanatical VI user I know has moved to using an Eclipse VI plugin now, so I really can't imagine very many (other than people that also spend their weekends carving wheels out of stone :-) really using it these days. As far as Emacs is concerned, I must admit that I myself still
use it when I'm doing bulk editing (my fingers just automatically hit
those ctrl keys), but it's not my IDE (it's just an editor). I know that
Emacs is still used as a Java IDE by a few people, but not very many.

I'm sure we could discuss the pros and cons of various tools indefinitely, but the bottom line is that Eclipse is used by LOTS of people, not just a few. Jeremy may not want to alienate non-Eclipse users, but avoiding that by alienating the large (Eclipse users) group doesn't make sense either.

Jim, you said this:

If we find that Maven consistently
causes problems for a wide variety of developers, then we should
change to something better.

But more sensible would be to say "causes problems for a large percentage
of developers", which is the case.

I don't know exactly how to handle this, but just saying all you crazy
Eclipse users are on your own, isn't going to help. I don't think Jeremy's
portrayal of Eclipse as some piece of junk with an ongoing stream of
problems is really the case either, it just seems to me that the bottom line is that Eclipse has a few problems integrating with Maven that need to be addressed. I'm sure both the Eclipse and Maven communities have a
vested interest in seeing that happen.

I guess I touched a nerve here and I will turn down the Eclipse teasing (well at least a little).

I do think Eclipse has issues coping with Maven project structures - the two tools have different ideas on how things should be arranged, each wanting to do things its own way. I'm sure the Maven and Eclipse communities will address the differences over time but until that happens we need to make our own accommodations. As a project we needed to pick a primary and we chose Maven as the build system. We can re-examine that decision but I think that should be a separate discussion.

This leaves us with a recurring problem in that someone making changes to the Maven build has no easy way to validate that they won't break someone else's IDE setup (irrespective of which IDE it is). I'm really looking for a solution for this that does not involve installing any particular IDE.

One solution is to check in IDE-specific artifacts on the understanding they are not normative. However, I share Jim's concern that people stop running the project's Maven build and only use the IDE (for example, someone recently told me the build was broken because it failed in Eclipse although it worked fine with Maven).

Alternatively the same artifacts could be checked into another location. I know that would work for IDEA, I don't know if Eclipse supports such a setup. We still need to ensure developers run the main build.

Another common approach in open source projects is just to say everyone is responsible for their own IDE setup. We won't deliberately try to break things, but the common ground is our project build (Maven) and IDE users have to adapt.

All of these have their downsides so if anyone has another alternative please speak up (but please don't tell me to install Eclipse).

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