On Sep 11, 2006, at 3:57 AM, kelvin goodson wrote:

Now in the java world here's a nasty catch, one side effect of this which, given the way we run things, only occurs in a maven test run, and not when running junits in eclipse is that one unit test can affect a later one. In maven the tests are all run within one process invocation, and therefore share static variables, whereas we haven't as yet created top level tests that use the Junit suite approach to aggreating test case runs, so we don't see this symptom when running the tests individually. So a late test in maven might see an instance of TypeHelper.INSTANCE with a dynamic version of the SDO model created as a side effect of a previous test. I can see a few things we could do here, either specific to this case and/or as general
project  guidelines.

- change the way we create types to avoid this masking behaviour in general - put a special case catch into the XSD converter to permit inclusion of
sdoModel.xsd and avoid this side effect?
- create an SDOUtil.reset(TypeHelper) method or some such, which could be
called in the tear down method of test cases
- more generally implement classes that don't match the maven filename rule for test cases, which mimic the merging behaviour of the maven test case
run,  and then use this when running test cases outside of maven.

what do you think?

There is an option to surefire to run all tests individually by forking new VM for every test. Turning this on generally tanks test performance.

One of the guidelines for unit testing is that they should be independent and it sounds like this setup violates this. To achieve this some form of reset is needed for SDO, not only the TypeHelper but any of the helpers that cache resources in statics. We will also need this in the SCA runtime if we are going to be able to undeploy composites that reference SDO types.

Need I say that this illustrates one way in which singletons are evil and that in the long term SDO should move away from INSTANCE all together :-)

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