On Sep 13, 2006, at 4:48 AM, Peter Cousins wrote:

I agree that business application logic should not use this context
information.  Ideally, there would support for users to write simple
plugins that could run inside the call context as aspects (in the AOP
sense).   Only the aspects would access the context, and these would
cross cut but supplement the application code. This is useful not only
for routing but for security, version management, compression, context
propagation, HA and load balancing strategies, pay per use billing, and
so on.

This would allow a middle ground between applications components that
shouldn't use this, and "being managed totally by the framework", which
is a less flexible way to manage such information...PC

[[ rolling in the audit use case as well ]]

Yes - I see a lot of similarity to aspects in the AOP sense, the important thing is how we define the pointcuts in the global sense and how the information from the activation is passed into the advice. I think programming an aspect this close to the join tends to involve a different set of skills from programming a normal application component and so the programming model should be different. The trick is to be able to map the "advise" programming model back into a normal "component" programming model so that it becomes easier for people to write their own implementations of the things you mention above. I think this is where things like framework interceptors, message handlers etc. break down - their information model is based on the interaction rather than on the data in the interaction that the programmer is actually trying to use.

So far we have focused on the programming model for traditional application components - the things providing the business application logic - with the goal of abstracting away from them the details of the lower-level infrastructure. We've wanted to let people write applications in the language/programming model/data format of their choice (Java, Spring, JavaScript, Ruby, and eventually XSLT, BPEL etc.; SDO, JAXB, JSON, AXIOM etc.) based on suitability for the business problem they are trying to solve. We have tried to maintain an isolation between this kind of application code and lower-level infrastructure concerns that will enable us to reuse/migrate/rewire these components as part of assembly.

This programming model is based on IoC principles, a key one being that components clearly declare their dependencies. For application code we want to express those dependencies in terms of "business" level artifacts - orders, customers and the services that act on them rather than plumbing. But that's just one domain. If you move down the stack, I believe the same programming model can work with "infrastructure" domain artifacts such as messages, principals, xids and so forth.

I also think there's a level between these for "business application infrastructure" - things like audit (compliance), authorization, QoS, chargebacks and so on. A programmer there is aware of business concerns and wants to deal in those terms rather than the real low- level things. For example, routing based on customer rather than source IP address. The IoC principles still apply, just the data types are different.

My hope therefore is that we can reuse the SCA programming models for implementing these "aspects" - the same models, just with the service contract and data types mapped to the appropriate constructs. For this to work we would need to extend the SCA assembly model to support a pointcut language that allowed users to specify the rules for attaching these behaviours to the wires.

With that in place it becomes the runtime's job to attach the appropriate hooks to the wiring and convert the raw data on the wire (from as low a level as necessary) into the data expected by the aspect implementation (in a similar way to how we convert data to the format expected by an application component). Perhaps not an easy job, but an interesting one :-) At least, that's one of the things that interests me (he says, going back to being build monkey).


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