On 9/21/06, Jeremy Boynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sep 21, 2006, at 6:57 AM, kelvin goodson wrote:

> In trying to follow the release management draft guidelines at
> http://incubator.apache.org/guides/releasemanagement.html I have a few
> questions.

that's brave :-)

i'm not surprised you have questions since they are only half done as yet...

> 1) for a source distribution the guidelines say "Check for version
> control<http://incubator.apache.org/guides/
> releasemanagement.html#best-practice-source>files",
> but the linked info currently only says ...  "TODO: describe what a
> source distribution is; version control for distributions; add
> content to
> release documents; export not checkout"
> so can anyone elaborate what's required here?

IMO a source distribution is an archive with all the source needed to
rebuild the project. Conceptually, I would define that as being a
signed tarball of an export of the svn URL pointing to the tag. An
export not a checkout because the export does not contain the
hidden .svn directories used to manage the changes.


When cutting the final release IMO it should be built from such an
export rather than out of a normal working tree. That way you know
for sure that the source distro will actually build and that, given
the same conditions (like platform), anyone should be able to
reproduce a binary distro.


good explanation: create an issue in JIRA, patch those words in and
i'll apply the patch :-)

IOW a source distro is a prereq - an binary distros are nice to haves.


users like binary distros but they are not necessary. source only
releases are sometimes useful in the early stages of a project (to
encourages active developers) or when users general received binaries
from downstream packagers

> 2) Guidelines say ---  Jars -- should include a standards compliant
> manifest, and goes on to say ...
> "TODO Lots of projects get this wrong and (by default) most tools
> produce
> substandard manifests. Offer some guidance on values TODO: Add how
> to create
> a specification complient MANIFEST
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/releases/
> prepare.html#checkjarmanifest"
> the jakarta link just talks about how maven builds a standard file
> and adds
> non standard (jakarta specific?) elements to the manifest file. So
> I don't
> know whether (a) letting maven do its stuff will make us compliant
> and (b)
> whether the inclusion of non standard elements in a manifest file
> makes the
> file non compliant.
> Can anyone point to a definition of a standard manifest file?

I think Robert means "substandard" rather than "non-standard" as the
JAR spec is fairly minimalist about what *must* be in there.

yes: sub-standard is more accurate

the original, basic specification is pretty liberal but there are a
number of other specifications which (arguable) mandate information. a
fully standards compliant jar should IMHO comply with all these
various standards.

there is a consensus (based on 5 years of feedback cutting jars in
jakarta) about which fields are required to prevent criticism of the
MANIFEST for non-compliance with some Sun specification or other. need
to dig out the references.

default behaviour of Maven's archiver is not to add much but you can
address that using <manifest> configuration entries in the pom.

recommend setting the following:

Extension-Name: org.apache.XXX
Specification-Title: YYY
Specification-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Specification-Version: nnn
Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.apache
Implementation-Title: YYY
Implementation-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Implementation-Version: nnn

An alternative is to add a full OSGi header - we've experimented with
the plugin from Felix to do this but 1) there is no released version
yet, and 2) I have not found a way of preventing it from adding all
project dependencies into the generated bundle.

> 3)  ASF doc says ... "incubating projects should contain the STATUS
> document
> describing. TODO: check this"     I've looked at our STATUS doc
> that went
> out with M1 and it contains general project info which would be the
> same for
> SDO as for SCA I think.  I'm having trouble knowing where maven
> might look
> for a STATUS file or how to configure it to pick one up.  Can
> anyone help
> with how I should do this please? I tried placing a STATUS file
> alongside
> the NOTICE file etc in distribution/sdo but that didn't get picked
> up,  so I
> guess maven already knows about NOTICE files somehow and needs to
> be taught
> about STATUS files.

We chatted about this earlier on IRC and ...
* Tuscany's STATUS file lies here https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/
* you can reference that from the assembly plugin's config file
* doing so can be a problem as it is a reference to a resource
outside the maven project

We'd mentioned possibly using an svn external to symlink from the
distro project to the root - did that work out?

don't worry too much if it turns out to be a PITA

the TODO note is that i'm not sure whether there's consensus on this
point or not. need to check on the general list.

- robert

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