Hi All,

JMS connections (and for that matter many other connections to external
resources) could be expensive.
Sometimes a service or a reference with a JMS Binding may have to use it's
own connection as it may use different messaging infrastructures.

But in most cases several services and references in a given SCA runtime may
use the same messaging infrastructure and it would be a waste if every
service and reference creates it's own connection.
It would be better if we can reuse connections in such a situation.

How can I do this ?? If a JMS binding for a service or reference has
specified connection parameters like
initialContextFactoryName, providerUrl and connectionFactoryName then I
would assume that it needs to connect to it's own messaging infrastrucutre.
(so thats easy)

For the reuse case, Can I have JMSConnectionService which is yet another
component that is given as a dependency to a service or reference?
This would be simillar to the RMIHost component defined for rmi binding.

comments are most welcomed.



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