Thank Frank for suggesting to make note to get addressed in the spec.
Here's a candidate (it's rather XML generic, *not* ChangeSummary specific
during which work I happened to discover the issue):

XSD defines how XML formats.
   <element xmlns:global="" ref="global:element1"/>
the XML should be
   <global:element1 xmlns:global="" ...
and for XSD
   <element name="element1" ...
the XML should be
   <element1 ...

Similarly, for XSD
   <attribute xmlns:global="" ref="global:attribute1"/>
the XML should be
   xmlns:global="" global:attribute1="..."
and for XSD
   <attribute name="attribute1" ...
the XML should be

Before SDO provides API to distinguish local element (<element
name="element1") from global element without NameSpace (<element
xmlns:global="" ref="global:element1"/>),
and local attribute (<attribute name="attribute1") from global attribute
without NameSpace (<attribute xmlns:global="" ref="global:attribute1"/>),
EMF's ExtendedMetaData (thank Frank) could be a temporary work-around for
XML writers to output compliant formats.

Besides above note candidate, do we want to fix
addSingleValue method and the related ones to use EMF's ExtendedMetaData to
report null and "" respectively for NameSpace please?
Currently we only report null because XSDHelper#getNamespaceURI returns so.
Of course, if we change XSDHelper#getNamespaceURI implementation to return
null for local Property/attribute/element and "" for no-NameSpace
global Property/attribute/element,
no change needed for wrt this issue.

As for my current ChangeSummary work, I'll follow what exactly Frank
suggests not to worry too much about the corner cases yet.
Thank Frank again.

Thanks for your attention.



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