Tuscany Chat Log 15:30 GMT 25th Sept 2006

The chat was about the java M2 release status

cr22rc>    hello are we IRC chatting ?
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   <kgoodson>    hi, i posted a couple of potential topics 10 minutes ago,
but they may be more suited to mailing list iscussions
   <rfeng>    hi
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   <rfeng>    should we talk about where we are with the releases?
   <cr22rc>    sounds important enuf :-)
   <jboynes>    where are we with the releases? :)
   <cr22rc>    well details on where we are stuck at ok to disucss ?
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   <kgoodson>    For SDO, I have posted a couple of release candidates as i
indicated on the mailing list, but I know there are issues, and the way in
which I approach dealing with the issues will be affected by whether or not
we can release separately
   <kgoodson>    so I'll ask my first question which is -- are we
constrained to formally releasing DAS/SDO/SCA as one entity?
   <jboynes>    no
   <lresende>    Why do you see this as a problem/constraint ? I tought we
were going to have modular distributions, but we were going to release all
   <jboynes>    the only constraint we have is that we must have IPMC
approval to release anything
   <kgoodson>    great, I had thought that I had understood that we
wouldn't want to burden ASF with a sequence of votes
   <jboynes>    that is a factor to be considered
   <halehM>    Kelvin, why do you want to have a separate release for M2?
Is there a particular reason?
   <jboynes>    the big one is making sure we gather enough IPMC votes to
be able to get a release out
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   <jboynes>    if its natural for the project then our mentors should have
no issue with it and we will get the votes
   <jboynes>    we do need to get all the ducks lined up though (e.g. get
all the legal stuff right)
   <kgoodson>    i'd like to create a tag and resolve all my dependencies
so that none of them are SNAPSHOTS and then concentrate on the main
development codestream.I guess it can just sit there
   <kgoodson>    the tag that is
   <jboynes>    kgoodson: you should resolve the snapshots before creating
the tag
   <jboynes>    external ones that is (e.g. emf)
   <kgoodson>    yes, there should be a new EMF out by the end of this week
and then we are good to go
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   <kgoodson>    so, as the steps in this release process are gradually
unfolding I'm finding I'm new things to do. I'd kind of like to get feedback
on this by putting it to the vote soon, rather than wait a few weeks and
then have to revisit it when its less fresh in my mind
   <kgoodson>    ok, jboynes, becuase I look at the keyboard when typing a
lot of the time I didn't absore the assertion "kgoodson: you should resolve
the snapshots before creating the tag" immediatley
   <kgoodson>    so this is a hard and fast rule is it, that the tagged
codestream is imutable?
   <jboynes>    generally yes
   <kgoodson>    becuase from a development perspective it would be kind of
nice to ue the tagged hierarchy to keep the code frozen/deeply chilled, and
just tweak some of the build parameters, suc as the EMF dependency, to build
a proper conformant release
   <cr22rc>    (aside... is this is worth documenting this process (key
signing etc) on a wiki page to be moved to the site once done?)
   <kgoodson>    then new development can go on in the main stream without
   <kgoodson>    cr22rc i have dstarted that
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timed out))
   <kgoodson>    i put a pointer to a rough page on the wiki earlier today,
and i plan to tidy it up
   <jboynes>    if there's going to be ongoing development off-trunk, that
would be a maintenance branch
   <jboynes>    branch vs. tag
   <kgoodson>    well, i don't know if you consider tweaking pom.xmls to be
   <jboynes>    tag is really just a clearly named svn revision
   <kgoodson>    i think the core development would be in the trunk, for
new features and jira fixes
   <kgoodson>    ok, so we could create a branch for the sdo release and
then tag the branch when ready
   <jboynes>    yes
   <kgoodson>    this would open up the main trunk for continued
development, yes?
   <kgoodson>    good
   <jboynes>    or you can just keep developing the trunk
   <jboynes>    and do a release when you are ready
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   <kgoodson>    well, we have defined the set of new features that we want
in M2, and they are ready, I guess we could just continue developing and if
enough time passes that we have valuable new function we could go tweak the
release notes etc
   <kgoodson>    but me inclination is to release SDO with waht we have
   <jboynes>    but you are still waiting for eclipse to go stable?
   <kgoodson>    there is an EMF 2.2.1 RC2 that we think will be identiacla
to 2.2.1, we could reference 2.2.1RC2 if we wanted to, but I think
2.2.1will be there by Friday
   <kgoodson>    ok, I think I am happy to create a branch
   <kgoodson>    i'll have to dig around to find the incantations to do
   <jboynes>    just svn copy
   <kgoodson>    thanks ;-)
   <lresende>    jboynes: what's the plan for SCA ? when is SCA planning to
be ready for a release ?
   <jboynes>    that's a good question for everyone here - when will we be
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   <rfeng>    I'm moving the databinding framework into core today
   <rfeng>    also started to add support for complex properties
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   <cr22rc>    can I ask about the launcher and webapp launcher status
http://www.mail-archive.com/tuscany-dev%40ws.apache.org/msg08260.html I've
been trying to get around some issues locally but not not have too much
   <jboynes>    I need to get coding on that - did not get as much free
time as I hoped the last couple of days
   <ant_>    rfeng, from posts from Venkat it sounds like he's also looking
at support for properties, how does what you're doing relate to what Venkat
has posted about?
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   <rfeng>    we had discussions on IRC and I'll post the changes I have so
   <meerajk>    hi, i've checked in some of the artifact resolution stuff,
may have some dep on the launcher stuff
   <Venkat>    jboynes: shall I consolidate all of those mails in that
thread that you started about release items and their status last week and
post them to the wiki after which we will update the status and track
progress over there... makes sense ?
   <jboynes>    thanks that would help
   <Venkat>    rfeng could you please take a quick look at my mail today..
and give you perspectives on how I am trying to deal with properties
   <rfeng>    sure
   <rfeng>    I'll work with you
   <Venkat>    thanks...
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   <rfeng>    BTW, a question, is it OK to have test dependencies on
idl/wsdl for core?
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   <jboynes>    rfeng: not really
   <rfeng>    It's a bit too complex to mock idl/wsdl :-(
   <jboynes>    then we have a coupling problem
   <rfeng>    It's one test case to test idl-transformations which requires
ServiceContract/Operation/DataType created from idl/wsdl
   <cr22rc>    Jboynes.. if I get something working with
WebappRuntime/extensions would it interfere with what you are fixing up?
   <jboynes>    if it gets you going, go ahead
   <rfeng>    ok
   <jboynes>    rfeng: I meant cr22rc :)
   <jboynes>    rfeng: why not move that testcase to wsdl?
   <jboynes>    if it depends on wsdl :)
   <rfeng>    ok, I'll check
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   <jboynes>    we also need to get samples and doco together for sca
   <jboynes>    is anyone working on that
   <jboynes>    ?
   <cr22rc>    well I'd help once BB is working
   <halehM>    what are the samples that we'd want ready for M2?
   <halehM>    thoughts?
   <cr22rc>    well I thought we said before the hellowworld and calculator
for one. .. or is that two? :-)
   <Venkat>    cr22rc: when you say helloworld and calculator samples... do
you mean doing these samples in various flavours... i.e.
   <Venkat>    doing it for a javascript container, for axis2 binding, ...
   <Venkat>    or ?
   <cr22rc>    yup the flavours that are working .. why do thing something
   <cr22rc>    s/thing/think/
   <jboynes>    I assume we are going to modularize the samples (e.g. group
js with the js extension)
   <Venkat>    I was wondering if we could have a single BigBank and
Calculator sample, componentize it and provide various implementations for
these components
   <Venkat>    then just have various scdls defined around these with
variations of bindings
   <Venkat>    and then simply allow the user to play around with these...
   <Venkat>    ofcourse putting the right documentation around it...
   <Venkat>    so for example..
   <Venkat>    I might say... 'to try out the javascript container and ws
bindings' rename 'calculator_1.scdl' to default.scdl and run this sample..
   <cr22rc>    I thought the plans was sort of that ... calculator would be
modularized and helloword flavors would be complete self standing samples
   <Venkat>    ok... is it possible to mail a list of what is in plan and
let me know the ones I can help with.. ?
   <Venkat>    or maybe after I put up the release list on the wiki... you
could update there...
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   <lresende>    so, we are still planning to get BB for M2 ? If so,
modularize and providing various implementations would be post M2, is that
right ?
   <cr22rc>    lresend: for bb?
   <YangZHONG>    halehM, SDO M2 has 17 samples ready
   <YangZHONG>    Samples are listed in CHANGES file
   <cr22rc>    For bb I wasn't thinking of modularizing for m2 with
different implementations. I'd like to make it mult-level ... composite in
composite first. But thinking lets just get it working first for m2
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   <rajith>    jboynes, hello
   <YangZHONG>    if it helps, I can help on sca samples too (I'll need
details such as which sample and what to do)
   <Venkat>    cr22cc: is there anything that you need help with, with
respect to BB sample that you are working with ?
   <cr22rc>    Well right now just getting extensions in a webapp to
load... but that's getting reworked and hacking at it locally
   <Venkat>    yes.. I follow that (at a very high level though) from the
   <cr22rc>    here is a list of samples under java\samples\sca
   <cr22rc>    calculator
   <cr22rc>    eagerinit
   <cr22rc>    echo.binding
   <cr22rc>    echo.databinding
   <cr22rc>    helloworld.rmiReference
   <cr22rc>    helloworld.rmiService
   <cr22rc>    helloworldJavaScript
   <cr22rc>    helloworldjsonrpc
   <cr22rc>    helloworldws
   <cr22rc>    helloworldws-celtix
   <cr22rc>    helloworldwsclient
   <cr22rc>    helloworldwsclientOM
   <cr22rc>    helloworldwsOM
   <cr22rc>    inner.composite
   <cr22rc>    local.wire
   <cr22rc>    local.wire.cdi
   <cr22rc>    simplecallback
   <cr22rc>    spring
   <rajith>    jboynes, how do I deploy a component in tuscany with my
binding? is there an example around?
   <cr22rc>    spring.simple
   <cr22rc>    supplychain
   <cr22rc>    webapp
   <Venkat>    rajith: axis2 or RMI could help...
   <cr22rc>    do we know how the spring stuff stands? and supply chain ?
are we shipping those ?
   <rajith>    Venkat, I did a JMS binding and now I want to test this, I
can lookup how to write the .scdl file for my component with JMS binding,
but how can I deploy this on tuscany?
   <rajith>    Venkat, where can I find an example where I can start
tuscany and deploy my example composite?
   <Venkat>    Rajith: to get a test up.. you could look at how we start
the runtime and deploy the extensions and so on.. looking at the testcases
in say RMI or javascript..
   <rajith>    Venkat, cool thanks a lot
   <Venkat>    if you, for example look up RMIBinding.. there is a
   <Venkat>    where in the setup method this is done...
   <Venkat>    please let me know if you need any clarification on looking
it up
   <cr22rc>    Venkat ... is the calculator sample componentized ... switch
out different implementations just using the scdl?
   <rajith>    Venkat, I checked BindingTestCase inside
/sca/services/binding/rmi/src/test and everything is commented out
   <Venkat>    cr22rc: no.. that is just about something that came to my
mind... after some thoughts that Ant and Jean were exchanging about
interchangably using the ruby scripts across java and c++ runtimes
   <rajith>    rajith, what about the stuff in the /samples/sca dir ?
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   <Venkat>    rajith: I commented that out because the maven build used to
fail. Last week I have fixed that. Besides that, you may take it for granted
that all of that you see in that testcase works...
   <Venkat>    if you try it within eclipse... it will work...
   <Venkat>    tomorrow I shall upload the fix for the testcase...
   <Venkat>    or you could look at the javascript's Helloworld testcase
   <Venkat>    these are all comparable with respect to how the tuscany
runtime is stared and how the extensions are deployed...
   <Venkat>    you will note that these testcases inherit from SCATestCase
whose setup method does all the work
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   <rajith>    Venkat, awesome , thanks a lot, let me start diggin, and if
I have questions I will bug u :-)
   <Venkat>    cr22rc: so this is the list of samples we will aim for
right? Ok.. I shall start looking into each and see if they are up and
working.. or is this something you have already verified?
   <Venkat>    rajith: no probs. :)
   <cr22rc>    well I was asking about spring, spring.simple and suppychain
I know nothing about those
   <cr22rc>    also I haven't heard to much a about celtix working
   <Venkat>    :( me to.. I have never tried the spring ones...
   <cr22rc>    all sounds very interesting
   <Venkat>    :) so are the others ok

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