This is the big problem we have currently with not having sorted out an
integration testing framework. If you hunt around in the mailing list you'll
find some discussion about this, but we haven't implemented any solution
yet. Basically, the problem is that we shouldn't be using SCATestCase in its
current form.

One work around you can try right now is adding the following line after the
addExtension call in the setUp method:


and then copying your default.scdl to app.scdl.


On 9/28/06, Ignacio Silva-Lepe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to run HelloWorldWSClientTestCase in the helloworldwsclient
sample. For some reason, when I print the application scdl URL, obtained by
"URL applicationScdlURL = cl.getResource(applicationSCDL);" in
SCATestCase, I get:

+++ application SCDL:


I am a bit a a loss trying to explain how the
services/databinding/databinding-sdo default.scdl is being resolved as
opposed to the default.scdl in the sample. Perhaps there is an issue with
the class loader? I tried looking in the pom.xml for clues but nothing
jumps at me.
Notice that currently the test case is disabled by not having the
"TestCase" suffix in the class and file names, so I created a new file and
class with the suffix in their names and that is what I am trying to run.

Any ideas?

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