Hi Jim,

I was going to touch upon that once I completed and posted a patch for

I initially assumed that since our runtime was in Java, the
implementation.system components would just about use the Java container.
However I observed that they never touched the JavaComponentBuilder.  Also I
observed that for system components there were properties that were getting
configured, loaded and built - meaning the property hanlding seemed to be in
place (atleast to the extent that things are working).

In the interest of not disrupting too many things I have chosen to leave
the system components alone - atleast in this iteration.  The
ComponentLoader is however used while loading all components (system or
application) and this is one place I have had to make some changes to the
existing behaviour.  For this I have chosen the apporach of retaining the
existing behaviour whe loading SytemImplementation components and have put
in an alternate behaviour for all others.

After I have done with this iteration, I can probably take up the case of
system components with some help from you / jeremy if at all they also need
to change.


- Venkat

On 10/1/06, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Venkat,

One thing I wanted to make sure about below...

On Oct 1, 2006, at 10:27 AM, Venkata Krishnan wrote:

> Hi Raymond,
> Just to keep you updated.  I am working on this and have been able
> to get
> the simple type property working.  i.e. properties are loaded
> properly from
> scdl.   Then I have made some changes to the JavaComponentBuilder
> to build
> from these loaded properties.
Shouldn't any changes for loading properties also apply to system
services as well?
> Right now I am trying to see if there is a scheme to get the complex
> properties working as well.  Hope I am able to post something off by
> tomorrow for some review and discussion.  Thanks

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