OK, I'll revert the change. Is there an easy way to do that in svn?


On 06/10/06, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
> Pete Robbins wrote:
>> I think we should revert that change I made then but it would be nice
>> to get
>> it to compile on  windows ;-)
>> I'm still not happy with Composite constructor passing it's this
>> pointer to
>> it's parent ComponentType. Is this not wrong? Is it saying I am a
>> Composite
>> and I am contained in myself?? In this case is the ComponentType
>> contained
>> in the composite? I think not so instead of passing "this" to
>> ComponentType
>> constructor maybe "0" would be more appropriate?
>> Am I making sense?
>> Cheers,
> Yes, you're making sense :)
> Here's a few thoughts:
> 1) A composite is not contained in itself.
> 2) The SCA recursive composition, where: "composite A contains a
> component B" and "component B is an instance of a composite C" does
> not imply containment. In this example composite C is not contained in
> B. C could be used to create components in other composites D, E, F. C
> is probably packaged and installed separately from A.
> 3) On the other hand, somebody could also nest composite C inside
> composite A, zip A into A.zip and have C inside A.zip... Then we could
> probably ask the question of containment... As far as I know the SCA
> spec does not address all the packaging scenarios yet and doesn't
> cover that.
> 4) Now a troubling thought (at least it troubles me): A componentType
> uses interfaces and types, which are normally packaged in the
> composite containing the componentType. This is easy for
> componentTypes describing simple implementations (a script, a C++
> class etc.). Now a Composite is also a ComponentType, but it uses on
> its services and references interfaces and types usually packaged
> in... itself... Given that in most cases it'll need to share these
> interfaces and types with other composites, there is probably
> something wrong here, missing in the spec, and obviously missing in
> our implementations...
> In doubt, since all these composites are contained in an SCA system,
> I'd suggest we pass the pointer to the SCA system composite for now.

And 0 as you propose will probably work as well :)


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