  with a week or so more maven experience under my belt,  and having
revisited the parent and buildtools pom files I feel I am now sufficiently
well informed on the maven technical side to +1 a vote if it were to be

Best Regards, Kelvin.

On 08/10/06, Jeremy Boynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was asked off-list why I would abandon the release vote when I had
the necessary +1's. The answer is tied to the decision making process
at the ASF.

One of the benefits the ASF provides to its projects is that it is a
corporation, an actual legal entity that can perform legally binding
actions. This makes the Foundation legally responsible for those
actions rather than the individuals themselves. If someone sues, for
example for patent or copyright violation, then they would being
suing the Foundation rather than the individual. IANAL so there may
be exceptions but in general, this is a good thing for the contributors.

For this to work, the Foundation must provide adequate oversight over
its actions. It does this through delegation from the Board to the
Vice-Presidents that Chair the various Project Management Committees.
Executive actions are taken by the Chair based on decisions made by
the PMC membership. These decisions are made by Vote of the PMC
membership, subject to overrule by the PMC Chair and the Board.

Releasing software is one of those legal actions. The Foundation is
entering into a contract with the user in the form of the Apache
License agreement. It is also entering into agreements with suppliers
to that software - for example, it must comply with the
redistribution provisions of any included software. The PMC Chair
acts to release the software based on a vote of the PMC members with
a +1 indicating that they support the release. For the PMC Chair to
be able to respect that vote they must have confidence that the
member had performed their duty of care - for example, that they had
reviewed the software and did not know of any issue that affected the
Foundation (such as containing third-party software that was not in
compliance with Board policy).

An Incubator Podling like us is not a recognized committee of the
Foundation and to that extent the votes that we cast are not binding
on the Foundation. To release the software that we produce we need
action by the Chair of the Incubator PMC (IPMC) who will act based on
the votes of IPMC members. The IPMC delegates responsibility for this
to our community through an informal Podling PMC (PPMC) that in our
case comprises all active committers. It is our responsibility to
produce a release and vote as if we were on an actual PMC and were
responsible for the decision. The outcome of that vote is evaluated
by the IPMC members as part of their duty of care over the release;
they also do their own review of the content to ensure that we did
not miss anything. The more confidence they have in us having acted
appropriately, the easier the IPMC vote.

In this case, we had enough votes on the content to indicate that
there had been review of the code and that it could be presented to
the IPMC for a vote. However, during the course of the vote it became
apparent that there was considerable confusion in the community about
what we were voting on and why; that there were several people who
were unclear on the technical aspects of the content or on the
process that we would be following. I do not believe that someone can
exercise due care when they are unclear on the matter under review
and as such that would be sufficient to cause me to change my vote to
a -1; as the vote initiator and Release Manager, it was enough
uncertainty for me to consider the result inappropriate to present to
the IPMC. Voting based on trust of someone else's review is something
I consider OK if clearly stated (assuming enough people actually do a
review to provide quorum), voting +1 just to get it out I view as

I think the next step here is to clear up the confusion over the
content and process so that all interested community members can vote
clearly. If we think we are in that position now we can just vote
again. However, based on comments this weekend and remaining
abstentions I think there are still some issues to be cleared up first.


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