Geoffrey Winn wrote:

I looked into this a bit more and it may not be as bad as it appears.

Currently, when the XML parser encounters an element for which there is no type defined, it ignores that element and all of its content, resuming the parse once that unknown element has ended. The exception to this is when the
element is a member of a parent that is defined to have open content. In
your example, the root element has no type definition and, of course, it
can't have a parent with open content, so it and all of its contents are
ignored, which explains the output that you see.

I can see one possible workaround and one possible fix for this.

The workaround is that you provide an xsd that defines just the root element
giving it open content. In your case that would be something like

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="";>
 <xsd:element name="customer" type="customerType"/>
 <xsd:complexType name="customerType">
     <xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

Then the root element has a type and will be processed normally, and
everything it contains will be processed as open content. I tried this and
it seems to work.

Good, that's the workaround I'm currently using in the WS binding extension :) Basically instead of just deserializing a SOAP Body part (which won't work in the type of the part is not known, as you explain), I deserialize the SOAP body, which is defined pretty much like you show here.

The fix would be for me to hack the code so that when we find that a root
element has no corresponding type (or possibly when there are no user
defined types at all) then I could automagically create an open type for it.
This would give the same behaviour as the previous case but spare you the
need to provide the .xsd

I'm inclined to just go ahead and do that since its not obviously any worse
than the current behaviour but I'm open to other ideas.

Yes, that's the behavior I was expecting in the first place. This will give us consistent behavior for top level and nested elements with unknown types, they just turn into OpenDataObjects.



On 07/09/06, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, I can load it, but it's desperately empty :)

Given the following XML:

I have no XSD for this document, and don't want to have one or have to
define specific SDO types for it. I just want to load this XML into an
SDO DataObject.

XMLDocumentPtr doc = XMLHelper::load(xml);
gives me an XMLDocumentPtr with no root DataObject.

char* xml = XMLHelper::save(doc);
gives me this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Is this supported by our SDO/C++ implementation? or is it a bug?


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