fixed -

On 11/10/06, Pete Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ah yes. I have a fix for this. It is caused by the SDOXMLString::substring
method creating 2 copies of the string and only freeing one of them. this
method is called when parsing the QName string in type="fred:joe" so we end
up with an extra "fred" and "joe" when this is called.

I will raise a Jira and put the fix in.


On 11/10/06, Caroline Maynard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of our PHP users  has reported a problem with leaking memory from
> libxml2. I started to investigate, but realised that the issue is
> independent of PHP, and can be reproduced in a standalone Tuscany
> environment. The issue is that memory allocated by libxml2 is not being
> freed, so he is seeing a memory leak growing with each invocation.
> For example, if we take a small schema:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="";>
>    <xsd:element name="courses">
>        <xsd:complexType>
>            <xsd:sequence>
>                <xsd:element name="course" minOccurs="0"
> maxOccurs="unbounded">
>                    <xsd:complexType>
>                        <xsd:sequence>
>                            <xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string"/>
>                            <xsd:element name="description"
> type="xsd:string"/>
>                            <xsd:element name="credits"
> type="xsd:decimal"/>
>                            <xsd:element name="lastmodified"
> type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="1"/>
>                        </xsd:sequence>
>                        <xsd:attribute name="cid" type="xsd:ID"/>
>                    </xsd:complexType>
>                </xsd:element>
>            </xsd:sequence>
>        </xsd:complexType>
>    </xsd:element>
> </xsd:schema>
> and a trivial function to load it:
> void load_schema(char *name)
> {
>    DataFactoryPtr mdg = DataFactory::getDataFactory();
>    XSDHelperPtr xsh = HelperProvider::getXSDHelper(mdg);
>    xsh->defineFile(name);
>    xsh = NULL;
>    mdg = NULL;
> }
> (I added the last two lines to try to encourage the reference-counting
> pointers to do their work, but they made no difference to the outcome)
> then use libxml features to check the memory usage:
> int main (int argc, char** argv)
> {
>    xmlInitParser();
>    load_schema(argv[1]);
>    xmlCleanupParser();
>    xmlMemoryDump();
>    return 0;
> }
> (note: in order to use these libxml functions, you must recompile with
> debug=yes mem_debug=yes)
> We see the following output in libxml's .memdump file:
>      MEMORY ALLOCATED : 108, MAX was 13687
> 0         984      3 malloc()  in none(0) "ID"
> 1         981      4 malloc()  in none(0) "xsd"
> 2         971      3 malloc()  in none(0) "ID"
> 3         968      4 malloc()  in none(0) "xsd"
> 4         875      9 malloc()  in none(0) "dateTime"
> 5         872      4 malloc()  in none(0) "xsd"
> 6         861      9 malloc()  in none(0) "dateTime"
> 7         858      4 malloc()  in none(0) "xsd"
> 8         770      8 malloc()  in none(0) "decimal"
> 9         767      4 malloc()  in none(0) "xsd"
> 10        756      8 malloc()  in none(0) "decimal"
> 11        753      4 malloc()  in none(0) "xsd"
> 12        677      7 malloc()  in none(0) "string"
> 13        674      4 malloc()  in none(0) "xsd"
> 14        663      7 malloc()  in none(0) "string"
> 15        660      4 malloc()  in none(0) "xsd"
> 16        584      7 malloc()  in none(0) "string"
> 17        581      4 malloc()  in none(0) "xsd"
> 18        570      7 malloc()  in none(0) "string"
> 19        567      4 malloc()  in none(0) "xsd"
> I did this with the M1 release of Tuscany SDO C++ and libxml2 2.6.26.
> The good news is that this leak has decreased a lot from an earlier
> release he tried previously.
> I hope this test seems valid to you. If so, any chance of removing the
> remaining leaks? Even better, could this kind of testing be incorporated
> in the process?
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