Here's what seems to be everything you could ever want to know about linking
on the moinmoin wiki implementation.

Cheers, Kelvin.

On 11/10/06, Kevin Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am having some trouble setting up links between pages in our wiki.
When linking to child pages I have followed examples I have seen on our
wiki and do something like this:

     * [wiki:/Convention_over_configuration Convention over configuration]

So, the syntax is :  [wiki:/some_child_page child page alias].  This
works great when I want to link to a child page.  But, I often want to
link to a page somewhere else in the hierarchy and I was hoping I could
refer to a peer page like this:

     * [wiki:../some_peer_page peer page alias]

But, this does not work.  The only way I have found to link to a
non-child page is to use the full URL like this:


This works but makes the link appear to be to an external page rather
than a page within our own wiki.  I think I must be missing something
due to my weak wiki-fu.

Any help would be appreciated.


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