I'm not familiar with cxxtest but as we need to write a SCA C++ test suite
it would be good to use the same tool that SDO uses.
So we should certainly take a look at this and use every bit of help that's
available ;-)


On 14/10/06, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

T Gould wrote:
> In addition to the actual tests, I think it would be wise if we make
> sure we
> are on common ground relative to the test framework -- for both Java and
> C++.   I am not certain how we would best go about doing this, but a
> couple
> of items would include:
> *ensuring we are using the same tools. (we use JUnit and CxxTest)
> *what if any architectural documents for Java and C++ test suites
> exist ---
> if this is none - we might want to work togeher to build out the
> documents
> *can we work together to create test suite design?
> tom

Sounds good to me. I suggest we start discussing proposals on the dev
list, then when we have a good idea of the general direction use our
Wiki to work on documenting it.

So here's my small contribution to help initiate the discussion:

CxxTest looks good to me. We could develop new tests with it, and
progressively port existing test cases (both SCA and SDO) to it. I don't
know if everybody in the group is very familiar with CxxTest so maybe we
could use some of Tom's test cases as examples to bootstrap this process.

Pete, I remember that you had mentioned some ideas a while back around
testing in SCA C++. Have you looked at CxxTest? What do you think?

Tom, could you share your experience with CxxTest? is it easy to
integrate in an automake build on Linux? what about a VStudio
environment? are you using Perl or Python with it? are you using a
different framework for function and integration tests?



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