On Oct 18, 2006, at 11:12 PM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

By making the test classloader a child of the plugin's we are able to run the tests - at least the scenario I had below. That's not ideal as it makes the plugin's classes visible to the tests but at least we can make progress on writing cases.
I think that is acceptable.

So, with that thought in mind, where should we start?
One thing I'd like to do is be able to verify bootstrap on various hosts, basically that system scdl contributions define a complete/ valid runtime for a particular host. Another area I want to start testing is specific invocation scenarios such as callback sequences. One other area is interactions between various subsystems, such as between bindings and component impl types.

Do you want to move the stuff out of sandbox so we can start?



On Oct 18, 2006, at 10:28 PM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

I manage to get most of this working but I am having problems with Surefire's classloader isolation. The StartMojo deploys the application and binds the CompositeContext to the thread. However, the SCA class is loaded from two different classloaders so the value returned from getContext() in the test code is null.

Suggestions on how to push this over without massive use of reflection would be welcome. All the latest code is in the sandbox.


On Oct 18, 2006, at 9:57 AM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

On Oct 18, 2006, at 8:53 AM, Raymond Feng wrote:

+1 from me.

I can help as well. I already have a simple mortage approval application in my sandbox and I'll convert it to whatever integration test environment we come out when it's ready.

What I'm messing with is a maven plugin that can be attached to the integration-test phase of the build. I added Mojo that starts/ stops the server and managed to bind the surefire plugin to the integration-test phase to get it to run integration tests - this would allow us to write the test clients using JUnit or TestNG. However, I'm wrestling with the issue about how to make sure the test application and the client run in compatible classloaders - I am afraid at the moment that they will end up using different ones which would make life awkward. I've had a look at Surefire and I think it should be fairly easy to mimic the surefire plugin's behaviour but tweak it so that it uses the application classloader.

I hope to get back into it this PM and should have something today.

That would provide a harness to run them but we will need to write the tests themselves. As you probably all know I don't think that using samples is the right way to go about testing - samples are about illustrating things, testing is about trying to break stuff and that involves lots of edge cases and other things that you don't want to encourage users to do.

The rough idea I have is that we write the test cases as simple SCA apps that run in a composite embedded in the maven process. These can connect to the composites under test using SCA wiring - either in-process for simple tests, or using bindings to connect to ones running in a different (server) environment. Something like:

class HelloITest extends TestCase {
   private HelloService service;

   public testHello() {
      assertEquals("Hello", service.getGreeting());

   protected void setUp() {
service = CurrentCompositeContext.locateService ("HelloService");

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