Hi Raymond,

I have been looking at committed Tuscany-760 which is about the
Calculator-Combo sample to provide some simple demonstrations of SCA
concepts.  I am working with the branch code only.

In trying to put in a 'property' defn. in the scdl file I am experiencing
the following problems:

Here is the SCDL in questoin

<property name="trig_metric" type="xsd:string">DEGREES</property>

   <component name="SciCalculatorServiceComponent">
       <implementation.java class="calculator.sci.SciCalculatorServiceImpl
       <property name="trig_metric" source="$trig_metric"/>
       <!--property name="trig_metric">DEGREES</property-->
       <reference name="sqrtService">SqrtServiceComponent</reference>

In the above scdl I initially tried to use the simply property defintion
that you see commented.  I added the @Property annotation to the
'trig_metric' without any additional parameters such as (name, xmltype

   public void setTrig_metric(String trig_metric)
       this.trig_metric = trig_metric;

With that I expected it to work but did not.

It seems like, as part of reading up the property value as XML Document and
transforming to a form that can be injected into the Component, the target
type gets to be SDO instead of plan java.lang.String.  As a result the
property value cannot be injected into the Service Component (since what it
expects is String but what is passed is an SDO).

Is there any specific databinding info that must be specified  in this
case?  Please help.

The source for this can be found as follows: -


- Venkat

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