On Oct 25, 2006, at 8:02 AM, ant elder wrote:

Comments in line...


On 10/11/06, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- How are script scopes handled? I'm assuming we want to have the
runtime manage statefull scripts, as we get that for free.


- I also noticed the scope is set by default to Module. The default
SCA Java is stateless. I agree module scope may be a better default
but do you think we should be consistent with other SCA language
specs here?

AFAICT most people think module is a better default and I think thats
especially so for scripting languages, so while there is no spec for
scripting languages I'd prefer to use a default that works well with them. Maybe the Java spec people should revisit the decision to use stateless as
their default?
I've made this argument on several occasions to the spec group but I haven't been successful in convincing people. I'll give it another try though since I agree module scope is a better default (interestingly in Srping the "singleton" equivalent is the default).

- More generally on component types, I haven't been following the PHP
spec work but my understanding based on proposals from the people
working on it to the assembly group is that the trend is to move away
from having to author side-files and more towards code-level metadata
and defaults. Would we want to emphasize that?

Yes definitely! If you trawl back through the archives we've already
discussed doing this, its something I think is really important to get done. Wasn't possible in the M2 time frame unfortunately , I'm planning on trying
to get it done for M3.

- Do scripts need to be defined by the Java idl or could I use WSDL
or JSON or something else (assuming the proper extension)?

They shouldn't be restricted to Java IDL, WSDL works as well, eg with
JavaScript/E4X, and I mentioned a while back wanting an SMD IDL for JSON and JavaScript but that was before we had the IDL extension story sortted
out - another thing for M3.

JSON would be interesting.

- What does EasyInstanceFactory.getResponseClasses(List<Class>
services) do?

It was so the response from a script call which may be of unknown type can be coerced to the expected type. Now that we have the databinding framework this needs to be revisited as part of the larger work of integrating the
databinding framework with the script language containers.

Ah ok
- How are references handled? Can they be injected onto fields in
prototype-based languages?

Not presently for JavaScript (not sure about Ruby, Venkat?) and it wont be possible with the script container using BSF for JavaScript either due to a
limitation with the bsf engine. Thats fixed in BSF v3 though which is
another thing I would like to look at in M3.

I think that would be good to do.



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