An impromptu chat on IRC started on M2 documentation, but also eventually covered samples too.

[11:49] <ant> so lets have an impromtu chat about the M2 doco
[11:49] * rfeng has left #tuscany
[11:49] * rfeng has joined #tuscany
[11:49] <ant> i guess rfengs email is a good place to star
[11:49] <ant> t
[11:49] * rfeng has left #tuscany
[11:51] <ant> lets wait, rfeng will be back...
[11:51] * rfeng has joined #tuscany
[11:51] <Venkat> ok
[11:51] <rfeng> hi
[11:52] <ant> hi
[11:52] <Venkat> hi rfeng...
[11:52] <ant> we were going to talk about doc and you email and what we should do
[11:52] <rfeng> ok
[11:53] <ant> i guess a question is what do we want on thw wiki or website or in the distro
[11:53] <rfeng> do we think the list covers all the desired documents?
[11:53] <ant> some samples have readmes some are txt some are html
[11:54] <cr22rc> since we didn't standardize from the beginning I think we should just be flexible
[11:54] * jmarino_1 has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[11:55] <rfeng> I think it would be better to unify
[11:55] <ant> form your email i think it would be good if General stuff and For end-users are up to date
[11:55] <ant> not so worried about the arch, extending etc bits
[11:55] <rfeng> converting txt to HTML is'nt too hard, right?
[11:56] <rfeng> ok, ant
[11:56] <cr22rc> BB has quite a bit .. not converting it to text
[11:56] <ant> unifying would be good if its not a lt of work
[11:57] <Venkat> if we are talking about just the readmes with the samples ... I hope they are not going to be too big...
[11:57] <Venkat> max about 2 pages ?
[11:57] <Venkat> and there is going to be lots in common as well.. right
[11:57] <ant> or even less (except BB)
[11:57] <cr22rc> I'm ok with the mix or if there is an interest to convert others to html
[11:57] <ant> yeah if we get one right then just cpy it round
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[11:59] <ant> right now BB has both a txt and htm readme?
[11:59] <cr22rc> plan on nuking txt or have it point to html
[12:00] <ant> rmi sample also has an htm readme, shall we just pick sample readme's are html?
[12:00] <cr22rc> fine by me
[12:01] <rfeng> html is good
[12:01] <cr22rc> question do we need these on the site or can they just be in the distro?
[12:02] <Venkat> readmes on the distro
[12:02] <cr22rc> I lean to just having in distro
[12:02] <rfeng> My personal view is that we should have some genric docs on site as well
[12:02] <rfeng> one for standalone, one for webapp
[12:03] <Venkat> yes... but these things have content that will make sense only if somebody is looking and trying the samples... [12:03] <ant> so that would be the General stuff and For end-users bits in your email right?
[12:03] <rfeng> yes
[12:03] <ant> and these readme's could be in the distro (as they are now)
[12:03] <cr22rc> But when you get to the samples they really need to get the code to have meaning [12:04] <cr22rc> I think the web site should just have an overview of what samples there are and what they show
[12:04] <rfeng> we can pick an example and explain in a more general way
[12:04] <ant> there's nothing like that now is there?
[12:04] <cr22rc> no but it needs to be tied to the release and be made clear about that if it's on the website
[12:04] <rfeng> the overview is good to have
[12:05] <ant> so that would go in the getting started - SCA-Java page which right now has (tbd)
[12:06] <Venkat> actually the website is in a disarray .. isn't it
[12:06] <ant> :)
[12:06] <cr22rc> hmmm I'm worried it won't be clear about what release is associated with and does not necessarily reflect what is in the trunk
[12:06] <ant> a little
[12:07] <rfeng> We should have a page for the release?
[12:07] * rfeng has left #tuscany
[12:07] <cr22rc> I think I'd prefer a seperate m2 release page that has the downloads and has the sample overview I mentioned
[12:08] <ant> that sounds like a good idea
[12:08] <Venkat> yes... actually we must have a general overview page and it must list all of what is going on presently ...
[12:08] * rfeng has joined #tuscany
[12:08] <Venkat> some sort of cummulation of items..
[12:08] <Venkat> that shows whats in the trunk today...
[12:08] <Venkat> then M1... has a page that has the feature that are packed in it [12:08] <cr22rc> Details of running the samples etc down to the readme should be in the samples
[12:08] <Venkat> next M2..
[12:09] <Venkat> i think I saw something similar in Axis2 site
[12:09] <cr22rc> Lets not focus on trunk for now
[12:09] <rfeng> let's focus on M2 for now :-)
[12:09] <Venkat> ok :)
[12:10] <rfeng> so for M2, we should list the features that we support
[12:10] <rfeng> and have a list of samples to give some brief ideas what the sample is for?
[12:11] * jmarino has joined #tuscany
[12:11] <cr22rc> yes .. had this I think for m1
[12:12] <rfeng> I have a question here
[12:12] <rfeng> let's say today, we have the binary distro and I download and unzip it to my computer
[12:12] <cr22rc> ok
[12:12] <rfeng> by reading the overview page, I want to try calculator-combo
[12:13] <rfeng> what should I do?
[12:13] <rfeng> reading the readme?
[12:13] <Venkat> yes...
[12:13] <Venkat> i assume that the binary distro needs to be extracted..
[12:14] <Venkat> and it will unfurl a directory strucgture...
[12:14] <rfeng> so I can deploy the web apps to tomcat and run the client
[12:14] <rfeng> ?
[12:14] <Venkat> on the top we need a readme which talks about the org. of the dir struct [12:14] <ant> actually to do this we need to know what a distro is? is there pre built samples or must you build them, wasn't there talk of using ant for that? [12:15] <cr22rc> was left unanswered in my mind with differences of opinions.
[12:15] <Venkat> oops.. yes.. samples will have to be built
[12:15] <rfeng> are the samples pre-buitl?
[12:15] <Venkat> no the last I remember jboynes saying that they have to be built
[12:15] <rfeng> ok, building a sample is fine
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[12:15] <ant> building with mvn or ant?
[12:16] <cr22rc> mnv
[12:16] <rfeng> I think from mvn, you can generate ant scripts
[12:16] <rfeng> I tried once before
[12:16] <rfeng> but it probably still have dependencies on mavne
[12:16] <cr22rc> my opinion is let just say mvn
[12:16] <ant> would that work with our war plugin to make the tuscany war?
[12:16] <rfeng> ok, fine for me
[12:17] <ant> does seem the easiest
[12:17] <rfeng> ant, I didn't try that
[12:18] <cr22rc> will have to do a whole round of testing and bulding with ant ... so in general not favorable to go Ant route [12:18] <ant> so for now we assume you build them yourself with mvn and doc that
[12:19] <rfeng> ok
[12:19] <ant> this is whats in the calculator readme:
[12:19] <ant> To build and install the sample using Maven use:
[12:19] <ant> $ mvn install
[12:19] <ant> This will build the sample, package a JAR file for the composite and install it in your
[12:19] <ant> local maven repository for use by other samples.
[12:19] <ant> so that matches :)
[12:19] <cr22rc> yup so I suppose the sample binary is really just zip up the source [12:20] <ant> we've a lot of samples not brough over from trunk to m2 yet, do we want anymore of those? [12:20] <cr22rc> I *assume* the SCA/SDO/DAS runtime will be available in the apache repo for the sample to pulldown
[12:21] <ant> should be
[12:22] <Venkat> so .. the pre-req to somebody to try Tuscany is that the person should know Maven ?
[12:22] <rfeng> we may need to get greeter oneway over
[12:22] <Venkat> meaning it is going to be a while to get a feel of Tuscany if I did not know maven [12:23] <ant> you have to install maven, but other than that, as long as there's no repos problems you don't have to know much about it [12:23] <Venkat> if this is true.. won't the user be a bit discouraged.. and it one of the repos go down like it has recently.. its going to get worse... isnt it [12:23] <rfeng> cr22rc, can you help with "greeter-*" since he have exp from helloworld-async*
[12:23] <rfeng> ?
[12:23] <cr22rc> AFAIK We don't have to do nothing for webapps, for J2SE will need the standalone distro to run it ?
[12:23] <rfeng> yes, for M2
[12:24] <cr22rc> who worked on greeter ?
[12:24] <ant> i agree venkat, and one day think we should have a binary samples distro, but for M2 maybe it doesnt matter
[12:24] <rfeng> it's the one-way sample from Ignacio
[12:24] <ant> i've used it
[12:25] <ant> lets start at the top
[12:25] <ant> calculator is in M2
[12:25] <ant> calculator-ws?
[12:26] <Venkat> yes.. with calculator-rmi and calculator combo
[12:26] <ant> butthatwould need a client
[12:26] <cr22rc> are those the ones that are missing?
[12:26] <Venkat> yes.. thats the calculator-combo
[12:26] <ant> ok so they already in m2
[12:26] <rfeng> I think so
[12:26] <Venkat> yes...
[12:26] <ant> eagerinit? i say no
[12:26] <cr22rc> so lets just assume what's there now is in
[12:27] <cr22rc> no
[12:27] <rfeng> no
[12:27] <ant> neither echo
[12:27] <cr22rc> no
[12:27] <rfeng> neither
[12:27] <Venkat> no
[12:27] <ant> greeterws and its client?
[12:27] <rfeng> yes, for oneway
[12:27] <ant> its just making a readme so i say yes
[12:28] <cr22rc> curios... do we KNOW the actuall state of the ones there? are they really working? we don't have an automated test of the samples.
[12:28] <rfeng> it's working AFAIK
[12:28] <cr22rc> I know BB and async work I ran yesterday
[12:28] <cr22rc> hmm AFAIK isn't good for me
[12:29] <ant> i volunteer to try it if it works i'll put it in, if it doesn't i wont
[12:29] <rfeng> I'll help make it work if it's not :-)
[12:29] <ant> ok
[12:29] <ant> helloworldrmi is in
[12:29] <ant> already
[12:29] <ant> and javascript
[12:30] <ant> jsonrpc?
[12:30] <rfeng> you judge it :-)
[12:30] <rfeng> I'm +0.5
[12:30] <ant> actually bert was on irc earlier saying he had a patch and sample to make it work with dojo
[12:30] <ant> lets see if he gets us that real soon
[12:30] <rfeng> ok
[12:31] <ant> helloworldruby?
[12:31] <cr22rc> I think we need to assign resp to all to make sure they REALLY run
[12:31] <ant> ok, lets get the list 1st though
[12:31] <Venkat> I don't think helloworldruby exists
[12:31] <ant> i made one the other day in trunk
[12:31] <rfeng> ruby is not in for M2 anyway
[12:32] <ant> really?
[12:32] <Venkat> REALLY ? :)
[12:32] <rfeng> did I miss anything?
[12:32] <ant> why not?
[12:32] <Venkat> no its in the branch
[12:32] <rfeng> maybe I'm wrong
[12:32] <rfeng> ok, I think cal-combo already uses it
[12:32] <ant> its in the distro contrib dir now
[12:33] <Venkat> yes
[12:33] <ant> in the zip so thats says its in
[12:33] <rfeng> is that good enough?
[12:33] <rfeng> I mean the cal-combo for ruby?
[12:33] <ant> lets have the helloworld as well
[12:33] <rfeng> k
[12:34] <cr22rc> isnt helloworld there?
[12:34] <Venkat> no
[12:34] <ant> in trunk not m2 branch
[12:34] <cr22rc> sorry was seeing hellowordws :-)
[12:34] <Venkat> I don't think there is a ruby sample separately
[12:34] <Venkat> there is a helloworld in the unit test that is all
[12:35] <ant> so helloworldws and client is in
[12:35] <cr22rc> I look at bringing over helloworld
[12:35] <ant> wsasync isnt yet but should be?
[12:35] <rfeng> wsasync is in, I saw it in the branch
[12:35] <cr22rc> wsasyn?
[12:36] <ant> oh yes, missed it
[12:36] <rfeng> cr22rc did that
[12:36] <ant> do we need the OM ones?
[12:36] <cr22rc> -.5
[12:36] <rfeng> -0.5
[12:37] <cr22rc> funny we started with doco... now were on samples... but that ok.
[12:37] <ant> well its so we know what doc to write for the readmes
[12:37] <ant> ok so no OM
[12:38] <ant> inner.composite?
[12:38] <ant> no?
[12:38] <cr22rc> not familar with  it
[12:38] <rfeng> yes, it demos async
[12:38] <ant> oh ok, so in then?
[12:38] <cr22rc> volunteering ?
[12:38] <rfeng> I think so
[12:38] <rfeng> let me ping Ignacio :-)
[12:39] <cr22rc> does exhibit inner composites .. I don't think we have a sample like that. Does anyone now what samples show that? BB doesn't [12:39] <ant> i'll copy it over and make a std readme and he can just update that with a paragraph about whta its doing
[12:40] <ant> if that doesn't happen we can delete it
[12:40] <Venkat> do you mean a composite imple (sorry did not get inner.composite)
[12:40] <ant> in trunk samples/sca theres one called inne.composite
[12:40] <Venkat> and what does it demo
[12:40] <rfeng> that's the one, it shows async with callback among components
[12:41] <ant> sound liek we should have it
[12:41] <rfeng> ignacio can help
[12:41] <ant> local.wire and local.wire.cdi?
[12:41] <cr22rc> -0.5
[12:41] <rfeng> -0.5
[12:41] <ant> doesn't sound very exciting so no
[12:42] <ant> simplecallback?
[12:42] <ant> is that another async one?
[12:42] <cr22rc> BTW ... I'm *assuming* copy thing over to the branch is a committment that you test it's working.
[12:42] <ant> yes
[12:42] <rfeng> simplecallback?
[12:43] <rfeng> what's it about?
[12:43] <ant> async stuff again
[12:43] <cr22rc> does inner.composite cover the same ?
[12:44] <cr22rc> if yes -1
[12:44] <rfeng> I invited Ignacio to join us here
[12:44] <ant> maybe we ask ignacio about which async ones are important
[12:44] <rfeng> let's check with him
[12:44] <Venkat> I see call backs in the scdl of inner composite
[12:44] <ant> spring is out right?
[12:44] * isilval_ has joined #tuscany
[12:44] <rfeng> hi, isilval_
[12:45] <cr22rc> -0.5 ... long as someone is SIGNED up to make sure its working, im ok.
[12:45] <isilval_> hi everyone
[12:45] <ant> oh, actually spring is in the distro contrib dir
[12:45] <ant> hi isilval
[12:45] <ant> we were wondering about all the async samples
[12:45] <rfeng> Should "simplecallback" be pulled into M2?
[12:46] <rfeng> We think inner.composite should
[12:46] <ant> i think the list is:
[12:46] <ant> simplecallback
[12:46] <ant> inner.composite
[12:46] <ant> helloworldws-async
[12:46] <ant> greeterws-oneway
[12:46] <isilval_> simplecallback is rather simple but it shows how to do a callback between atomic components
[12:46] <isilval_> which no other sample shows
[12:47] <rfeng> oh, so inner.composite shows callback accross composites?
[12:47] <isilval_> inner.composite is more involved
[12:47] <isilval_> yes
[12:47] <isilval_> "locally"
[12:48] <ant> so we can put them all in M2 but we need to copy them to the branch, test them, and write a readme
[12:48] <ant> or we could leave some out to save work :)
[12:48] <cr22rc> isilval ... can you help in getting the ones that are important over to the m2 branch?
[12:48] <isilval_> I can help with some
[12:48] <rfeng> ant, can you help isilval before he got the apache account?
[12:48] <isilval_> but I'll need someone to commit the changes
[12:48] <cr22rc> ah
[12:49] <cr22rc> I guess we can all help with that
[12:49] <ant> yes, its actually not so much work, its mainly the paragraph or 2 for the readme saying what they do
[12:49] <rfeng> hopefully it's just copying, testing and documenting
[12:49] <ant> so i'm happy to help copy and test and make a template readme
[12:49] <cr22rc> make sure legal stuff is there too.
[12:50] <isilval_> ok ant, if you do that I can check out M2 and update the readme and test [12:50] <ant> actually, doe sthat matter if we're not distributing them as jars?
[12:50] <ant> cool ok, thanks
[12:51] <ant> oh - supplychain?
[12:51] <isilval_> ant, can you let me know when you have copied the samples
[12:51] <isilval_> ?
[12:51] <ant> yes
[12:51] <ant> isn't supplychain async as well?
[12:51] <isilval_> we should probably do all four
[12:51] <isilval_> yes, it's the one-way local sample
[12:52] <isilval_> so let's do all five
[12:52] <ant> ok
[12:52] <ant> last one is webapp which is in already
[12:52] <isilval_> I may not be able to get to it today as I have a couple of meetings
[12:52] <ant> i wont have them all over today anyway
[12:53] <isilval_> ok, let me know
[12:53] <ant> its not desperately hurried we still have some days to go
[12:53] <isilval_> ok
[12:53] <ant> so we need a template readme made perfect 1st before i copy it lots of times
[12:54] <ant> should we use the rmi sample one?
[12:54] <Venkat> ant .. use the calc combo one...
[12:54] <ant> oh ok
[12:54] <Venkat> thats more to date
[12:54] <cr22rc> should they all be just called readme.htm ?
[12:55] <Venkat> yes... I would prefer so
[12:55] <rfeng> yes, readme.html?
[12:55] <Venkat> so that the user expects it
[12:55] <ant> ok
[12:55] <cr22rc> k .. just noticed that was not.
[12:55] <ant> can we all look it now to see if there's anything?
[12:56] <cr22rc> need a build section?
[12:57] <ant> the setup described in the calculator readme is a bit different
[12:57] <ant> mvn dependency:unpack
[12:57] <ant> to create the standalone distro
[12:57] <cr22rc> question... do we just package BB in with all the samples, I'm thinking yes. just want to make sure we are inline with that.
[12:57] * lresende has joined #tuscany
[12:58] <rfeng> are we done with samples?
[12:59] <ant> not quite with the readme
[12:59] <rfeng> ok
[12:59] <ant> so should they all use the mvn dependency:unpack thing?
[13:00] <Venkat> Ant: disb and samples are going to be packaged together ?
[13:00] <Venkat> I guess they will be two separate ones.. right
[13:01] <rfeng> the standalone plugin in trunk can produce the sample image, but it's not in M2 [13:01] <ant> looking at this i think the intention is it will just be in the mvn repo so you just get the sample src distro the build the sample with mvn and the mvn dependency:unpack and it makes a distro for you
[13:01] <rfeng> so I assume mvn dependency:unpack could help
[13:02] <ant> (my n key is sticky)
[13:02] <isilval_> I need to sign off now, will look for ant's notice that the samples are in M2
[13:03] <ant> ok bye isilval
[13:03] <cr22rc> not familar with dependency:unpack
[13:03] <ant> me either
[13:03] <Venkat> same here
[13:03] <isilval_> ttyl
[13:03] * isilval_ has quit IRC ("Trillian (";)
[13:03] <cr22rc> why do we need this?
[13:03] <ant> i just noticed it today
[13:05] <Venkat> the readme in calculator says that the disb (say standalone) will be unpacked (i read this as unzipped) somewhere
[13:05] <rfeng> from any doc?
[13:05] <ant> the calculator sample readme
[13:05] <rfeng> dep:unpack just copy the dep jars
[13:07] <rfeng>
[13:08] <dkulp> Problem is, that plugin hasn't had a release as such yet.
[13:08] <dkulp> You would need to use the SNAPSHOT version.
[13:08] <dkulp> Or use the older codehaus mojo version.
[13:08] * bertlamb has left #tuscany
[13:09] <rfeng> oh, so it's donated from mojo?
[13:09] <dkulp> Right.
[13:09] <dkulp> But it hasn't had a release since the donation yet.
[13:09] <cr22rc> should the user run this or should the build do this put this somewhere in the sample that can by referenced when running ? (or am I missundestanding) [13:10] <Venkat> if we are talking about the calculator sample I dont see this plug in in the pom
[13:10] <Venkat> am I missing something
[13:11] <Venkat> to me.. looks like if I mention the disb as an artificat to be unpacked.. then this will be unpacked in a target dir
[13:11] <rfeng> you don't have to list it if by prefix
[13:11] <Venkat> and then I go over there and run the sample jar
[13:13] * bertlamb has joined #tuscany
[13:13] <Venkat> but I wonder if we must tell the user to open up this pom and put in a target directory (unless i have got it all wrong)
[13:14] <ant> i think you may have Venkat :)
[13:14] <ant> you don't have to put anything in the target dir
[13:15] <Venkat> I meant mentioning what the outputdirectory is.. in the pom.xml [13:16] <Venkat> by the way.. I am picking tihs stuff up from the site that raymond pasted here [13:18] <ant> does anyone understand this enough or do we need to email the ML asking what to do? [13:19] <rfeng> my impression is that the user has to unzip the standalone distro 1st
[13:19] <ant> Venkat, it must be getting really late for you?
[13:19] <rfeng> and then copy jars manully?
[13:19] <Venkat> nevermind Ant :)
[13:20] <Venkat> rfeng: I feel that is ok for now...
[13:20] <Venkat> it is about two steps... extracting the disb.. then copying the sample jar...
[13:20] <Venkat> then comes the running... thats it
[13:20] <ant>
[13:21] <ant> ops, should have done a clean
[13:21] <ant>
[13:23] <Venkat> ok.. get it.. but whats in the pom.xml that is related to this...
[13:23] <Venkat> the calculator sample pom just has a jar plugin...
[13:24] <ant> its magic
[13:24] <Venkat> :)
[13:24] * bertlamb has quit IRC ("Yummy, like ircing on a cake! [ - Open Source IRC ]") [13:25] <Venkat> so .. shall we have the following as common for all standalone disb based samples...
[13:25] <Venkat> 1) download sample source 2) build the source
[13:26] <Venkat> 3) go to the sample and execute mvn dependency:unpack
[13:26] <ant> venkat, its in the parent pom in the samples dir
[13:27] <Venkat> guessed as much
[13:27] <ant> well then there's what dkulp said about having to use a snapshot [13:28] <Venkat> hmmm. so lets take the call right here... we will ask the user to unzip the disb to a preferred location...
[13:28] * jboynes has joined #tuscany
[13:29] <Venkat> and then the sample jar... and then run it...
[13:29] <ant> jboynes, we're just talking about the calculator sample using mvn dependency:unpack
[13:29] <jboynes> ?
[13:29] <Venkat> so all standalone samples will advocate this way of running..
[13:30] <rfeng> the magic is in pom.xml for the samples
[13:30] <Venkat> so the usre just learns to run one and the others are easy
[13:30] <rfeng>     <build>
[13:30] <rfeng>         <plugins>
[13:30] <rfeng>             <plugin>
[13:30] <rfeng>                 <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
[13:30] <rfeng> <artifactId>dependency-maven-plugin</artifactId>
[13:30] <rfeng>                 <configuration>
[13:30] <rfeng>                     <artifactItems>
[13:30] <rfeng>                         <artifactItem>
[13:30] <rfeng> <groupId></groupId> [13:30] <rfeng> <artifactId>distribution</artifactId>
[13:30] <Venkat> yes rfeng.. figrued that out
[13:30] <rfeng>                             <version>${scaVersion}</version>
[13:30] <rfeng>                             <classifier>bin</classifier>
[13:30] <rfeng>                             <type>zip</type>
[13:30] <rfeng>                         </artifactItem>
[13:30] <rfeng>                     </artifactItems>
[13:30] * bertlamb has joined #tuscany
[13:30] <rfeng> <outputDirectory>${}/distribution<
[13:30] <rfeng> tputDirectory>
[13:30] <rfeng>                 </configuration>
[13:30] <rfeng>             </plugin>
[13:31] <jboynes> ah, ok
[13:31] <Venkat> it has all the stuff that I asked for a little earlier.. so am clear now [13:31] <ant> but dkulp pointed out that its unreleased so we have to use a snapshot
[13:31] <dkulp> Well, the codehaus one is released.
[13:31] <dkulp> It just has a few bugs.
[13:32] <dkulp> If you don't hit them........
[13:32] <ant> so we're fine then? (works for me)
[13:32] <jboynes> I don't think we did
[13:33] <jboynes> I'd be ok with a snapshot for the samples anyway
[13:33] <dkulp> Just try it in a full reactor build.
[13:33] <dkulp> The bug we hit is that if multiple poms use it, it SOMETIMES will combine the configurations.
[13:33] <cr22rc> yeah snapshot is ok for samples
[13:33] <jboynes> I don't think we need a reactor build for the samples
[13:34] <jboynes> peoplewill typically work with one at a time
[13:34] <cr22rc> we're not distributing it.
[13:34] <jboynes> IIRC the sample poms don't depend on the parent
[13:34] <dkulp> Probably OK then.
[13:36] <jboynes> I tried to handle two situations: 1) the user already has Tuscany installed, 2) they want an easy way to do that [13:36] <cr22rc> what is wrong with having it like this? the choice is up to the user right? Can't they go into each directory build individually?
[13:36] <jboynes> hence adding the dep: goal in the root pom
[13:36] <jboynes> cr22rc, I'm lost - that's what we do now
[13:38] <cr22rc> maybe I misudnerstood ... I thought your were advocating we change and move all the pom.xml in the parent to each individual sample... make it flat.
[13:38] <jboynes> no
[13:38] <cr22rc> ok
[13:38] <ant> so we done on this then? we'll change all the readmes to use mvn dependency:unpack
[13:38] <ant> ?
[13:39] <jboynes> ok, I missed that bit
[13:39] <cr22rc> ok by me
[13:39] <jboynes> why do that?
[13:39] <Venkat> so that all samples can be run in a similar fashion..
[13:39] <Venkat> easy for the user to try them out...
[13:39] <cr22rc> jboynes I'm confused by "I don't think we need a reactor build for the samples"
[13:40] <jboynes> a reactor build would build all the samples in one go
[13:40] <jboynes> I don't see the value in that
[13:40] <jboynes> given the complexity it adds
[13:42] <jboynes> what are we changing in all the readmes?
[13:43] <Venkat> the readmes (but for the calculator sample) do not take the dependency:unpack approach
[13:43] <ant> we don't have all tehe readmes yet, or all the samples
[13:43] <cr22rc> we're working on a standard approach before we go do it.
[13:44] <jboynes> ah, ok
[13:45] <jboynes> I added readme's for the ones I copied over - is there something missing there? [13:45] <rfeng> I need to disc now to drive to the office, can someone post the IRC log to ML when it's done? [13:46] <cr22rc> probably not. You missed it but the consensus was to convert to html
[13:46] <ant> ok
[13:46] <jboynes> ah
[13:47] <cr22rc> so I think we want it pretty standard before we do that.
[13:48] <jboynes> why?
[13:48] <jboynes> (convert)
[13:49] <ant> some are already html some aren't
[13:49] <cr22rc> well I took the position it could be a mix. BB has html. other samples have text. Then in general everyone decide it would be good it they were all the same
[13:49] <cr22rc> went with html
[13:50] <cr22rc> that about covers it I think on that thread anyway
[13:50] <cr22rc> chime in anyone if I got it wrong
[13:50] <jboynes> ok
[13:50] <jboynes> I think it's good if they are the same
[13:51] <Venkat> and then we went forward with the content that goes into the readmes... and wanted uniformity there too [13:53] <cr22rc> Hey folks I got to drop out at 2:00 I'm willing to help with hellword bring it over make sure BB and helloworld-async is running and I can try coming up with m2 mock release page
[13:53] <cr22rc> (top of the hour)
[13:54] <cr22rc> ant if I have an cycles I'll try and help with the ansync stuff too
[13:54] <ant> ok, i'll post a summary
[13:55] <Venkat> me too will now pull out..  thanks everybody :)
[13:55] <ant> i have to go for a bit as well

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