to make your patches easier to apply all you need to do is strip out the
hard-coded paths in the patch file. e.g. change
"C:/simon/Projects/Eclipse3.2/cpp" to "cpp".

On 25/11/06, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My last CDATA fix didn't properly cover the case where CDATA sections
in sequences. I have created new patches for source and test files to take
account of this. I added them to the existing CDATA JIRA (

As an aside in making this change I have to do some raw writing to the
output XML stream to prevent CDATA markers from being encoded on the way
out. I am a little uncomfortable about this as it may lead to XML
appearing in the wrong place in the output stream. However my change is
the only place that raw writes are used and, from what I have seen,
appear to be consistent. What is the intended mechanism here. Is it SDO's
responsibility to ensure that and string type properties are suitably
encoded when SDOs are written out to XML or do we intend to rely on uses
suitable encoding content before adding to SDO? I would assume the former
but it's not clear that this is what the implementation does. It's
the case that CDATA changes have an impact here. If we can  decide what is
intended then we can do a pass of the code  making sure it does the


I need to have a think about this. I'll take a look at the behaviour of the
patch ad et back to you.



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