Pete Robbins wrote:
I'm in the process of porting Tuscany C++ to Mac OSX continuing the work
that Oisin started. Axis2C does not have an OSX port yet (Oisin's supplied
patch has not been applied) and I've been having a few problems building
their code which are probably simple to solve but I want to focus on getting
the Tuscany core ported.

I would like to remove the dependency on Axis2C and make it optional.

For SDO this would be achieved simply by not building the sdo_axiom utility

For SCA it is more complex. FIrst of all we would not build the current WS
binding extensions. Some of the samples would have to be changed so we do
not build the wsclients which are Axis2C specific. I think we may also have
to provide a dummy ws binding in place of the Axis2C versions.

For Linux/Mac we can have a --with-axis2c option on the configure script.
For Windows I changed the build.bat script to optionally build extensions, e.g. if PYTHON_HOME is not set then the python extension is not built, so we could optionally build with Axis if AXIS2C_HOME is set. It may be better to code optional parameters onto the build.bat script to control the build to be in line with the Linux build but for now using the environment variables
is OK.

Any thoughts?



This sounds good to me. A few more thoughts:

- +1 for just detecting the AXIS2C_HOME environment variable on Windows, this is more convenient if you build from the IDE as well.

- On Linux we already have --enable-wsbinding=yes/no config option. I think we could just change the default to "no", instead of introducing a dummy ws binding and another --with-axis2c config option.

- Most of our samples depend on WS on both the client and server side, so turning them into variable geometry samples with an optional WS part sounds a bit complicated :) Could we just use a --enable-wsbinding=yes/no option to enable/disable the samples that require the WS binding? I realize that this will disable most of our current samples but this situation is evolving... We already have a RestCalculator sample that works without the WS binding, I'm about to add another REST sample, Andy is adding a new Python sample, and I'll probably add next a sample that reuses an existing C++ library, which won't use WS either. Soon we'll have enough non-WS samples to illustrate the SCA programming model... and disabling the WS samples won't be a problem.

What  do you think?


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