On 29/11/06, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


We have two C++ clients in the C++ Bigbank and Calculator samples.

(1) Real SCA clients, which call the Bigbank and Calculator components

(2) Axis2C based Web Service clients, which do not use SCA at all to
invoke the sample Web Services.

Since these samples are there to illustrate the SCA programming model
more than the Axis2C programming model, I'm wondering if it woudn't be
better to change the Axis2C based clients (2) to use SCA references with
WS bindings instead.

What do you think?

I guess these are showing a simple incoming request. I think we should
remove the WS client form Caclulator completely (see other thread) and leave
it as a binding.cpp sample only.


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