On Dec 2, 2006, at 3:49 AM, Venkata Krishnan wrote:

Hi Jim,

Yes this is dependent on Axis2 and SDO.

I don't get your suggestion on regrouping and renaming. Isn't it is a tool and in that which converts Java interfaces to WSDL and so Java2WSDL. I
think I am missing some point here

Hi Vankat,

I was trying to ask if the tool is tied to the use of Axis and/or SDO. For example, can I use this tool to generate WSDL/Java that will work with Celtix/JAXB or the JAX-WS RI? Or is it designed for use with Axis and SDO as the databinding. Another way of asking this may be, does the tool conform to the WSDL to Java mappings defined in the JAX-WS spec? If it is is specific to Axis and/or SDO, I think we should group it with one of those projects and potentially rename it (much like we call Axis binding.axis and not binding.ws).


- Venkat

On 12/1/06, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Dec 1, 2006, at 3:27 AM, Venkata Krishnan wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been looking into Java2WSDL in Tuscany.  The relationship
> between
> what we have in Tuscany to that in Axis2 is that the Tuscany one is a
> wrapper.  We started doing this because during the M1 time there
> were a
> couple of things that need to be fixed in Axis2.  We did that under
> the
> covers of the Tuscany wrapper.
> Later down, things started improving in the Axis2 code but did have
> trouble
> (relatively less though) with duplicate schema definitions and so
> on.   So
> the wrapper continued to take care of this.
> Further down the line we had the requirement to support SDO types
> and call
> into the SDO implemenations XSDHelper for this.  So this again had
> to be
> done in the wrapper.
> I have been following the Axis2 Java2WSDL for sometime now and I
> think this
> Tuscany wrapper can be thinned down quite a bit.. just to take care
> of the
> SDO types.  I hope to get to this soon.
> I suppose the WSDL2Java should have a similar story.
> - Venkat
Hi Venkat,

Is this tied to SDO and/or Axis? Maybe we we should group it with the
SDO databinding plugin in the source tree and rename it to something
other that Java2WSDL to denote what it is for?


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