
 Thanks for working on this. One thing I would like to see is the
DataSource properties seperated from the J2SE Connection properties.
Maybe something like:

<ConnectionInfo managedtx="true>
  <DataSource jndiName="jdbc/myDataSource"/>


 <ConnectionProperties dataSourceClass="org.apache.myclass"/>

The seperation just makes it clearer that your application should use
one or the other approaches.

Also, are all of the properties you have added necessary? In
particular, I'm not sure what we would use databaseVendor for since it
shouldn't have an effect on how we obtain the connection.

I didn't look deeply enough to see if your code addresses this, but if
we're adding a password field we will need to have a way to
encrypt/decrypt the field.


On 12/6/06, Amita Vadhavkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Kevin, Luciano and All,
I tried to implement support for DAS config connection for J2SE env. Please
see the attachment for what changes are done. Tried to modify config.xsd and
related code changes. Please let me know your feedback on this approach
and the alternative approaches.

Can we have a discussion on same and also please let me know if I can work
on this

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