In thinking about PHP support in C++ one thing that I would like is some
good scenarios that we can use as test cases and examples. Its good to
reproduce the test cases we have, e.g. Calculator, to show how the same
scenario can be reproduced across different environments. To this end I am
working up the PHP version of Calculator again. However it would be good to
have some examples that speak to those who use scripting for real.

Three things come immediately to mind.

1/ Building and deploying services behind Web2.0 applications.
Examples here would be a service that retrieves some data from a database
for the Web2.0 application or a service that ties into a wider SCA
composition for retrieving data or processing requests.

2/ Shell type applications, e.g. Composing SCA components as a analog for
composing script operations on the command line.
An example here would be a  service composition  that needs access to the
ability to copy, move, filter or format file based information. The generic
example is I supose traditional scripted batch or job control processing.

3/ As a suitable component implementation language where the script
environment is either familiar to the developer or offers some specific
feature or library that mandates it's use, for example, some application
specific data access library or processing capability. For example, we could
look into integrating with one of the popular open source applications, such
as a wiki, to see if we can create a simple example of accessing its data as
part of a wider composition.

Anyhow, just some thoughts off the top of my head. Are there any more that
spring to people's minds that allow us to show off the power of SCA to
compose scripted components into a simple useful running example?

Not sure what to do with this list. I could put it on our PHP site but then
only PHP people can edit it. Shall I put on the Tuscany wiki?



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