Thanks Pete, I thought there would be an easier way to do this. But if you
say so, I think it's the only way. Thanks again!

Adriano Crestani

On 1/10/07, Pete Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 10/01/07, Adriano Crestani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm begginer with C++ and I have one doubt about the function defined in
> Type.h: "virtual SDO_API const Property& getProperty(const char*
> propertyName)  const = 0". It's supposed to return a reference to a
> Property
> object that has the name equal to the parameter propertyName, but if
> is no Property object with this name? What does this function return?

It would through a SDOPropertyNotFoundException.

I tried to do this...
> if (type.getProperty("ID") == NULL)
> ...but as long as far as I know it's not possible. Is there a way to
> if the function has found Property object with the specified name or
> Adriano Crestani

There is no easy way to do this. You would need to wrap the getProperty in
try/catch block.



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