On Jan 15, 2007, at 6:44 AM, Pete Robbins wrote:

As part of this are you considering only multiple Java runtimes or can this proposal embrace a C++/Python/Ruby component implementation deployed on the
C++ runtime?

This is really about runtime-to-runtime cooperation - which implementation types a runtime can support would be something that was input to the decision making process (about what to run where). So, for example, a Ruby component could be allocated any C++ or Java runtime that supported that implementation type.

I think we should use standard protocols for this communication, such as Bonjour, UPNP, JXTA etc. so that they can easily be supported by runtimes implemented in different languages. I.e we don't want a protocol that relies on synchronizing native Java/C++/... objects. Different domains may prefer different protocols (for networking reasons) so we want this to be plugable.

Having said that, I wasn't planning on working on a non-Java version but if you see something that would be hard/impossible to implement in the C++ runtime please shout :-)


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