I realize I haven't posted on progress with the PHP extension for a while.
Having a few problems with it at the moment. I've been working on windows
and have most of the changes made to enable references. However a couple of
days ago I ran into a script dependent memory error in the embeded PHP
engine. It's a little tricky to trace this because we have the following
path to the running script

Axis2C -> CPP SCA -> PHP -> Script.

I.e. there is a lot of C/C++ to go wrong and most of it we didn't write.
Needless to say the script is fine outside of PHP. I've tried attacking the
problem in various ways but am a little stumped on windows, e.g. I can't get
purify to run the exe all the way to the point that it crashes.

I'm now moving the whole environment over to linux to see if I get the same
error and so that I can try some of the Linux based tools, e.g. valgrind. I
need a little help with the autoconf setup for CPP SCA. Specifically where
do I tell autoconf about the PHP engine include path that it needs to build
the PHP extension?



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