Will there be a list of features from the POJO C&I and assembly spec supported / not supported by the internal-use kernel release?

Most of the changes since M2 involved internal refactoring:

1. Externalization of proxy generation from targets (e.g. Component, Reference) and have clients generate it instead. This will allow us to support non-Java interface targets.
2. Removal of system wire specializations
3. Refactor connector for simplification
4. Ability to optimize wires
5. Support for scope changes in spec (init/destroy for stateless and conversational scope)
6. Support @EagerInit, a new spec annotation
7. Rename Module to Composite scope
8. Support for standalone runtime
9. Work on deployment, still in progress
10 Improve exception handling
11. Support for multiple bindings on references and services
12. JMX support


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